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Help Can RGBW display yellow correctly?

PAL Stinks

Mar 1, 2013
My shiny new Note Pro arrived today, but it has severely disappointed as its pure yellow is dull and greenish. With so few Note Pro users, opinions are hard to get, but I've read the Lenovo Yoga 2 has the same screen and can't do yellow.

Well it just occurred to me that the 2014 edition Note 10.1 has the same RGBW matrix, so should have the same colour performance, and so I can ask Note 10.1 users!

Does pure yellow look like pure yellow on your screen? I know colour will change slightly based on screen, and viewer, and contrast, so there's no such thing as a true yellow, but does it look right to you and similar to other devices you've used, or is it somewhat dull and green? The easiest test is go into Sketchbook Pro select the pure yellow, and paint a large swath. On my Note Pro it's definitely greenish. An image search of buttercups or lemons also doesn't look quite right. I need to know if it's a design fault and I should return it and go back to my original 10.1, or something else.



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