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Help Cannot format or wipe SD Card


Android Expert
OK, I have a 64 GB SanDisk SD card that I have had since October 2013 and just figuring out that is must be a fake. I have tried to wipe it and format it and nothing works. I have tried in Windows 7 & 8, h2testw, RMPrepUSB, and FakeFlashTest.

So, I am open to any suggestions. I would like to at least delete off my data before I ship it back to Amazon for a refund. Suggestion?
I'm really not expecting any answers...I have spent about all night trying every possible thing on planet Earth to wipe or format this card and nothing works. So, I am just going to ship it back to Amazon with what ever data is on it...nothing important...but still bugs me I can't wipe it. :mad:
I had one of those, bought it about the same time as you. It worked fine until a month ago, then failed with the same symptoms as yours. I got in touch with SanDisk and they replaced it for free. They also let me cut the failed one in half before sending it to them, so that I didn't have to worry about my data on it being recoverable by someone else. Other than the NSA, I guess..
Pc recognizes it perfect, just will not format or wipe it. I can select everything on the card in Windows Explorer and delete it then pull the card and put it back into the computer and all the data is still there.

I've tried formatting and wiping it in the phone...no good. So far, nothing will delete the data.

There is really nothing important on it...I just hate sending something back that is not wiped. Mailing it out today. I give up on trying to wipe it.
After reading johnpjacksons post I decided to call Sandisk and these cards have a lifetime warranty. They are going to replace it and I can break the card in half as well...so data will remain safe. Amazaon was good to refund it, if I wanted to send it back to them, but I'm going to just send it in to Sandisk for a replacement.

I think after talking to Sandisk and giving him the serial number mine is a legit card, but has just gone bad. From what he explained my card has locked itself into write protection mode. This mean something is wrong with the card, but it allows you to still retrieve your data off of it, but can no longer write to it.
That's good to hear DC, glad you can break it before sending it in. I'd want to do the same thing. And it's nice to know that if a card faults like yours did, you can get the files.
That's good to hear DC, glad you can break it before sending it in. I'd want to do the same thing. And it's nice to know that if a card faults like yours did, you can get the files.

Amazon had already agreed to refund my money, even though it had already been 7 months and they sent me a pre-paid shipping label to return it, but I never dreamed I couldn't wipe the card. So, after not being able to format or wipe it and I saw johnpjacksons post I thought I would just call SanDisk. Sure enough, the card has a lifetime warranty and after a little prodding about not wanting to send it in with all my data on it the rep said I could break it in half and send it in. He said all they do once they get them is just verify you sent it in and then destroy them...so really doesn't matter to them.

So, after all this...I am hoping I get a good card.

But really, here is what worries me. I've been using this card since October 2013 with zero problems at all. I had 22.1 GB worth of data on the card. I did not see any problems until I started running Hyperdrive. I'm not saying Hyperdrive (or being rooted) has anything to do with it...but it is really strange that it just started. I just hope Hyperdrive didn't somehow write protect the card. I will find out if this happens on my new card.
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