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Help Cannot send mms using go SMS.


Android Enthusiast
Sep 27, 2011
I cannot send a mms with Go SMS app. I can send using the native sms app but not Go. I've installed and uninstalled several times. Still won't work unless I use the Go mms which sends it as a link. Any ideas on how to fix this. I've had the same problems with handcent and chomp as well. Also, i was able to send mms fora bit using go but i havent been able to now for quite some time. Thanks for the help.
At least you can send MMS using the stock app!!! I've had this issue with my DHD for AGES... I use Go SMS and have even been on the phone to Orange UK and asked them to talk me through the APN's!

Can you at least receive them using Go SMS? Not ideal, but for sending MMS (or, if you can't receive using Go), you can at least do it through the stock app!!
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