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Can't change my ringtone, factory reset?


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2012
My phone has been acting pretty funky ever since I installed Jelly Bean. Then just a little while ago my phone played a ringtone I've never heard before, but I had no notifications or missed calls or anything like that.

While trying to figure out what it was I noticed all of my ringtones were set to "unknown ringtone" (they were fine yesterday). When I try to change them it crashes and says "Unfortunately, setting has stopped."

Think it's time for a factory reset? is there anything I should really backup before I do it? I can reload my music and apps pretty easily, and contacts will sync automatically right?
Ran the factory reset yesterday, it was much easier and quicker than I expected. My phone seemed to be running better yesterday but today I keep getting error messages that say "unfortunately, _____ has stopped."

Anybody know why this is?

The Backup+ Media app was one that kept stopping, I couldn't disable it without root but I unchecked everything it was trying to back up, I'll see if that works.

Not sure about the battery yet either, already down 6% in less than an hour, but I've been using it a lot trying to get my apps configured the way I like them. We'll see if it helps at all.
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