Android Enthusiast
So ordinarily (at least on any other device) I can open up terminal, type su, then "busybox fix_permissions" and it does its thing. However, all I get is sh: fix_permissions not found. Any ideas how to go about this? Can we fix permissions using TWRP? I've tried every variant of fix permissions as well, ex:
busybox fix_permissions
busybox fix_perm
busybox fix permissions
busybox fix perm
I've also tried all of these without invoking busybox as well. Same story, applet not found, or sh not found. I know damn well one of those should be correct.
busybox fix_permissions
busybox fix_perm
busybox fix permissions
busybox fix perm
I've also tried all of these without invoking busybox as well. Same story, applet not found, or sh not found. I know damn well one of those should be correct.