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Can't get Opera as default browser


Well-Known Member
Today, on my Samsung Z Fold 5, I can't get email links to open up with Opera, even though when I go go settings (phone settings/apps), all browsers say that Opera is the default browser. This seems to have happened after I added some accounts to Aqua Mail. For now, I got links to stop opening with Chrome by disabling Chrome, but I do not think this is the proper or desired way. Chrome was not disabled on my Z Fold 4 and links opened there Correctly. Possibly dome changes got made in Aqua Mail or in my Google account during the email account additions. Any ideas here??

Is it using a browser to open links or the phone's "webview" component? The reason I ask is that while there is a standard "android system webview" in all Android phones Chrome can also act as the webview app, and I think this may be what is set by default these days. If your email client uses the webview component to open links rather than a browser it might therefore use Chrome even if that is not your default browser.

If you have the developer options menu enabled "webview implementation" can be set in there. Otherwise disabling Chrome will switch the webview to something else, almost certainly the Android System Webview (I don't have Opera installed so can't see whether it can play that role, but Chrome is the only browser I know that does. I suspect this is one of the things Google likes to keep to itself).

One way to test this theory would be to ask whether it is actually Opera that email links open in with Chrome disabled or something else? You only say that they don't open in Chrome, so if they are still not opening in Opera it probably means that AquaMail is using the webview (my own email clients use Firefox, but I am using different email clients). I can't test directly because I disable Chrome anyway and haven't used AquaMail since Mobi bought it - though I notice that it spun off from Mobi a couple of years ago so maybe I might consider it again (except that I've no issues with my current email apps).
I fixed it, but I had to go page by page in the settings on my Z Fold 4 and compare it to Aqua Mail settings on the Z Fold 5. Once I unchecked "Open web links in Aqua Mail", things got fixed, even to the point that I could re-enable chrome and still get links opening in Opera.


And if they were opening in Chrome before you disabled that then "open web links in Aqua Mail" almost certainly means "use the webview implementation" (much easier than writing and maintaining your own internal browser).
Today, on my Samsung Z Fold 5, I can't get email links to open up with Opera, even though when I go go settings (phone settings/apps), all browsers say that Opera is the default browser. This seems to have happened after I added some accounts to Aqua Mail. For now, I got links to stop opening with Chrome by disabling Chrome, but I do not think this is the proper or desired way. Chrome was not disabled on my Z Fold 4 and links opened there Correctly. Possibly dome changes got made in Aqua Mail or in my Google account during the email account additions. Any ideas here??

Just as a subtle tip, I'd focus on just the actual problem, getting the Opera browser app to open web links you encounter in other apps. Adding in other suppositions just adds confusion and misdirection.

-- Have you tried to just restart your phone? If the rproblem is due to a one-off glitch that just popped up, a simple rebott might be all that's required. If the web link problem is still a problem after a reboot at least you can rule that out.

-- I have doubts the AquaMail app is actually part of the problem. It's just an email client, and it's s a different app that is only relevant to email services. It does not have any web browser capability nor can it manage other apps and/or over-ride the settings and configurations of other apps. When there is an web link in an email message, there's only a very indirect 'link' between the AquaMail app and whichever web browser app. Simply your problem started to occur approximately after you added some email accounts to the AquaMail app does not necessarily mean that's the actual cause of the web link problem itself, a classic corrleation vs causation example::

-- Getting back to the web link problem, part of the problem might be a common Google oversight matter. Just purely anecdotally, on my OnePlus phone running 12 my default web broser is the Firefox Forcus app, and I also need to keep the Chrome app disabled otherwise some, but not all, web links in other apps might trigger Chome instead. And yes, in the Default Apps menu in my phone's Settings menu Firefox Focus is set as the default. The issue being some apps, notably Google services apps, are 'hard-coded' to use the Chrome app, no matter what the Default Apps option is set to use. By Disabling the Chrome app that forces all web links to use my prefered choice.YMMV.
Again, that might part of the problem, there's apparently other factors involved. Try resetting the Opera app and then go through the processs of using a different app to open a web link so you can choose Opera as the default to siee if it sticks this time. -- be sure the Chrome app is Disabled, be sure to backup any saved bookmarks in Opera, then go into the Apps menu and use the Clear data option in the Opera apps linsting. Using Clezr data will remove all of that apps settings/config data, along with its cache essentially returning it back to its original firtt time used state. You;'ll need to do a restore of your email account infor and such so it's definitely an involved task.
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