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Help Can't get sd card mount after its update


Sep 17, 2011
Can't get sd card mount it did that ota update then after that sd card hasn't worked. I was thinking factory reset would but I got some pictures saved is internal memory to backup and when plug phone in pc the internal memory doesn't show up shows for sec then I can't get it. What I'm asking any way fix this without resting. Thank you for any ideas
You can factory reset without formating internal sd. When you do the reset there is a checkbox at bottom of one of the prompts. If it's unchecked it won't format.

Did you happen to root and uninstall any system apps after the update?

If you have card reader plug sdcard into a computerand see if it comes up, if so backup everything, format it and retry in phone.

If either of these don't work I'd call vm and complain that their update screwed up your phone. Sounds like it borked the mass storage system.
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Thanks guys I forgot about this post I just took my phone for accidental damage and got the credit towards evo at best buy and they matched the sale price or VM wab site 239 oh and the dropbox idea work was long process but it work and i got all my internal pictures off thanks .

wish would seen that in factory reset also ty.

It was was weird what happen had no root or system things removed just regular update an sd card wouldnt wrekonize after that
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