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Can't Get Texts From A Specific Contact

Jul 29, 2011
Hi All,

I have an employee that I contact a lot via text for scheduling, billing of clients, etc, etc, and we've had to resort to e mail because while she will receive my texts as usual, when she replies, I do not get them. We are connected on google and I have deleted her as a contact and then added her back again...to no avail. This is a recent development in the past few days. Any suggestions?

She is on an i phone if that matters at all

Thanks in advance for your help!

She is on an i phone if that matters at all
Android uses the industry common SMS and MMS protocols. iMessage on the other hand is based on Apple's proprietary iMessage protocol which is only exchangeable between Apple devices. The iMessage app can however receive SMS/MMS but as Apple's licensing prevents other companies from using it's iMessage protocol you can send texts to your employee but unless she specifically sends you texts back as SMS or MMS you can't get them. As you mentioned this problem just started recently had she been using a different texting app on her iPhone and recently changed to using the iMessage app, sounds like she's been sending you iMessages. Or did she recently change the settings in her iMessage app back to its defaults?
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