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Help Can't install apps

Please explain this to me. My Nexus s has 8 Gb storage space, but apparently only 1 Gb for apps, I've installed a few apps and have run out of space. I've already moved the apps that can run on the phone storage outside of the 1Gb space, but the OS and the bundled apps are taking up most of the 1Gb storage. What can i do about it?
My Nexus says that 1Gb is available for the OS, the preinstalled apps and the apps that need to be stored there (like social apps, etc). Does anyone know just how much space the OS and the preinstalled apps need?
I installed Storage Truth but I don't understanding what I'm seeing, the result says the following:
size: 503M
used: 328M
free: 175M

but when I use "Storage", the included app, it says:
Internal Storage:
size: 0.98Gb
used: 808M
free: 128M

What's the reason for the variance between the size value from the two programmes?
The reason for the difference is that your built-in thing isn't telling you the truth - as explained in the first link.

And you're not looking at the full output of Storage Truth -


The very top said it plainly -

Your apps and updates to system apps go into /data.

The operating system is in /system - and what the operating system has free, you don't get to touch - it's for the system and system updates.

All you care about for apps is /data, and for older devices, /data/app.

If manufacturers told the WHOLE truth instead of trying to market your storage to you, we wouldn't have had to write Storage Truth.
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