I've been looking for a few hours, but the only thing I've found to root the Optimus is the onelickroot software, but that doesn't work. I'm sure it's simple, but anyone have a link that actually tells how to root and has the files?
One thing I have seen is root and recovery being separate, and since I came from the ZTE Warp I don't really get what to do and I just want to be safe and not brick my phone. I'd appreciate it a lot if someone could either explain this or give me a link to download everything
Sorry if I just missed a post about this, I just don't want to try anything without being 100% sure that I know what I'm doing
And if it makes any difference, I plan on using the Simplicity Rom that came out today
One thing I have seen is root and recovery being separate, and since I came from the ZTE Warp I don't really get what to do and I just want to be safe and not brick my phone. I'd appreciate it a lot if someone could either explain this or give me a link to download everything
Sorry if I just missed a post about this, I just don't want to try anything without being 100% sure that I know what I'm doing
And if it makes any difference, I plan on using the Simplicity Rom that came out today