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Root Can't send MMS since flashing newest DU rom (fixed, I think)


Android Enthusiast
any ideas? is there a better phone radio or is that even what MMS uses? My data signal is fine-I can get online with it. My phone signal works-I can call out and receive calls. I can send SMS but just not MMS. I tried to send one last night and tonight it was still trying to send so I deleted it. Tried another and it won't send either.
I was going to suggest checking your APN settings. If your current solution doesn't stick, check your APN settings.
I checked the APN settings and couldn't remember which was the correct one. lol. That's when I remembered that old thread from August and looked it up (not as easy here as the old board) and found the links to the radios. So far it's working-I sent several MMS messages last night. I did receive one recently so I guess it was only sending that was an issue.
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