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Can't stack phone & messaging apps


Android Enthusiast
Has anyone noticed that the stock green phone and yellow messaging apps won't stack with each other on the home screen?

Are there any others that do that?
How do you mean stack Crackbaby? Like one on top of the other? Are you using some kind of launcher app? I had no problem doing that on my S2 using just the stock launcher. I'll post a screenshot a little later.

I mean stack like put into a folder that pops out. It doesn't look like a Windows folder, but an open circle with the icons placed inside.

I can stack other apps into a so-called "folder"...all,except for the stock phone and messaging apps.
I think you are using a launcher. When I created a folder on my homescreen it looks like a windows folder not a circle. Is your phone running Ice Cream Sandwich or Gingerbread? I'm on ICS.
I think you are using a launcher. When I created a folder on my homescreen it looks like a windows folder not a circle. Is your phone running Ice Cream Sandwich or Gingerbread? I'm on ICS.

That's right, I forgot to say that I'm using Apex Launcher. Or was. And running ICS.

I just switched from Apex to GO. It was too hard to drop icons into folders on Apex. Unless anyone knows of a trick?
Thanks, Dontpanicbobby! I got a chance to play with that on the SGS2 a little bit after I updated (and before it froze) ... it's a nice feature. I've used it on the Nexus 7. But for some reason I was having trouble with those two specific apps within the Apex launcher.
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