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Carrying your Note 10.1 (2014) Screen protector or commando?


100% That Guy
Dec 31, 2011
Boston MA USA
Have you installed a screen protector on your Note 10.1? I used to be a staunch advocate of screen protectors but having used my HTC One (M8) without a screen protector for over a month now and having suffered no ill effects I'm considering doing the same with my just purchased this Friday Note 10.1 (2014). What have you done to protect your Note 10.1 (2014).

I'm also up for some case suggestions. :thinking:
Have you installed a screen protector on your Note 10.1? I used to be a staunch advocate of screen protectors but having used my HTC One (M8) without a screen protector for over a month now and having suffered no ill effects I'm considering doing the same with my just purchased this Friday Note 10.1 (2014). What have you done to protect your Note 10.1 (2014).

I'm also up for some case suggestions. :thinking:

Been using a BodyGlove antiglare screen protector (more for glare than scratch protection, I do quite a bit of work outdoors with the Note) It does not affect the Spen nor the sensitivity of the screen.

Carried in a BodyGlove with flip back cover that folds back to make a stand(flimsy stand). It also interferes with charging cable when open so very likely it will interfere with OTG fittings as well
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