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Root [CDMA] All Google Play and Browser downloads stuck


Sep 14, 2012
Hi guys not sure if im posting this in the right section but i have the Htc Evo V 4g turned into the Evo 3d with S-Off hboot 1.4 . I recently flashed the new pac man rom coming from the latest midnightrom 1.54 and a few things didn't work out so i decided to reflash back to midnightrom 1.54 . Flashing went well all up until i decided to redownload my apps from the google play store, and Nothing. I dont what caused it. i click install and accept on any app and it just stays at the downloading bar. No progress, no percent, and it dosent show up in the drop down task bar. I even tried rewiping and reflashing back to pac man and still nothing. i searched these forums and couldnt find anything, also searched xda forums and people seem to have fixes but none work for me. I dont know where to turn or what to do. I have alot of flashing experience as i have been doing it for a while with different roms on my evo 3d so as far as i know i didnt screw anything up. So any help would be appreciated.


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