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Root [CDMA] Anyone try the V6 Supercharger script on any 3D ROM?


Android Enthusiast
Jun 26, 2010
I sent a PM to zepplinrox (the author of the supercharger script) about running it on a 3D. Granted, the 3D has a ton of RAM, but I still notice little lags every now and then on my 3D. The one that annoys me the most is that Agenda reloads fairly frequently if I have run a memory intensive game or surfed the internet for a bit.

With the supercharger script set on mega memory, my agenda would not reload ever -- even after tons of use on the phone including angry birds, internet surfing with multiple open pages, etc.

Anyway, he said the script should work fine on the 3D. I just unrooted and I'm waiting on a replacement phone and I'd rather not re-root until the new phone arrives. I'll try it as soon as I get the replacement but wondered if one of you brave flashing souls might try it and see what you get...


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