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Root [CDMA] Regarding the dates on root folders in custom ROMs


Oct 27, 2013
Are the dates that the folders show in the root directory important? I am running the PA 4.4 RC2 ROM and noticed that some dates are current, but most are way off. I am unable to copy files into any of my folders in the root directory. I wonder if the dates have anything to do with this problem or if it is irrelevant. I have verified proper root access and tried several methods and apps to do this moving and copying of files and not one of them works. Also the error is very vague and I just get pop ups saying "move failed try again" or "unable to copy". The folder permissions say that reading and writing is possible. Yet, no can do...

If the dates are all supposed to be current anybody know what could have caused this irregularity? If it is normal for the dates to vary... any idea what is preventing my copy/move attempts?


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It shouldn't matter, the reason the times are off is because we don't have an internal clock. Have you tried any other root browser? I suggest ES Root Browser File Explorer. It works slot better then anything I've ever used. To enable toot in that swipe to get to the list of items then go to settings and enable root. Then tap on the R/W and set both to R/W. Should fix your problem
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It shouldn't matter, the reason the times are off is because we don't have an internal clock. Have you tried any other root browser? I suggest ES Root Browser File Explorer. It works slot better then anything I've ever used. To enable toot in that swipe to get to the list of items then go to settings and enable root. Then tap on the R/W and set both to R/W. Should fix your problem
I am using ES as my main go to for this. I have also tried two or three others. None of them have been able to do it. I've even tried scripts to remount (although the permissions shown in folder properties say they are rw) and that doesn't work either. Sometimes it says "unable to rount". Other times I get no error, yet nothing changes. I still get denied...
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