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Help Cell Standby 42%


Well-Known Member
Does this just mean I am in a bad cell zone? This is my reading at home and it is the top battery usage on the chart, followed by wifi at 24% (on because I am home), and phone idle at 23%.
Can you click on Cell Standby and see what your time without service is?

42% is about where I am at with my Hero.
Wow, I didn't know it could do that. Time on: 2h11m38s Time without a signal: 91% WTH?? Anything I can do about that or is just my location?
Thanks to you both, but I checked that per your suggestions and it is on the correct setting. I guess I won't worry about it. My battery is okay (about 14 hours today with a couple of very short charges to sync with the computer) and I'm getting and receiving calls.
The app doesn't always match what you get if you do the number trick. I had the app and it said I was CDMA, but when I did the number thing it said GMS.

That said I tried this trick last night and afterwords it said 100% TWS! I still don't know what happened, so I will see how today goes. I haven't tried doing it again.
I just checked again and tried the number thing again. After many reboots it still says it is CDMA but my TWS is at 96%!? I have been home or in my neighborhood all day so far and using it, so obviously I have signal. What GIVES?
When I go into the battery use details and click on Cell standby (which is at 41% right now), I don't have the option to check the time without service. The only use details is "time on", which is 4h 35m 56s. I used to see the TWS, but I have done a few things to tweet the phone to extend battery life, and now I don't see it anymore. I had ATK installed for about a week, and I uninstalled it last night, as I read that it can harm the OS. I cycled the battery with that charge till green when on, turn off, charge till green when off, turn on, charge till green thingie I read about and that was it. Any ideas on how to get the TWS info back? Thanks!

I also did the GSM>CDMA thing. Could that be why I don't see TSW?
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