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Chair o' bed bugs


Android Expert
It's a really good chair except for that. I think it's leather. At least the color makes it easy to spot 'em. I gave it a good dose of Raid bedbug spray. Will that do it? I don't want to get rid of the chair, which is really comfortable and has a matching ottoman. Besides, I couldn't afford another one. Because of the cat there's probably no way to use a fogger.
My only experience with bedbugs was long distance, when my daughter was living in New York and her apartment somehow got a bedbug infestation.

As I recall, they're nasty, resilient little buggers, and it takes an all-out effort to get rid of them. By professionals. At least that's what my daughter did. Her mattresses had to be discarded, and hauled away properly to avoid spreading the bugs.

With a cat in the house, you definitely cannot use a fogger/bug bomb at all. If you're going to end up needing that type of treatment, you'll need to board your cat or leave him/her with trusted friends/relatives.
Get some heavy-gauge garbage bags and some duct tape, and wrap that chair up air tight. Leave that 'package' out in the sunlight for a day or two and cook those pests. Or cut a small opening(s) into it, spray in that bedbug killing stuff, and tape that opening(s) shut. Leave it for several days and then later be sure to let that chair air out, away from you and your family.
The current trucking company I work for has about a dozen terminals located around the country, several of these are training centers. Because of over flow, several people got sent to a local motel until space at the terminal open up.
The people who stayed at the motel ended up bringing bed bugs back to the terminal. They ended up trashing all the mattresses, sheets and blankets, the dorm area was sealed up and the heat was blasted for several days.
From my understanding the company gave each person effect by the bed bug incident $200-$300 to replace clothes and other items
Because all clothing and any thing else that could be taken on a truck was scrapped
Everything accept phones and electronic stuff
I was lucky and wasn't there, I arrive about three weeks after the incident .
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