OK so I got a new SD card today for my new tablet and I know there use to be a way to change the default app install location but I can't seem to fin it on my tablet. Some videos seem to indicate going into storage settings but I can't seem to find that on my tablet. Some also seem to indicate developer settings and other apps but not sue what all to trust as some are pimping their own apps and always makes me wonder whats in their app besides what is suppose to be there.
So how do I go about changing the app install to the SD card as my internal memory is small as I expected to get a big card so....
OK so I got a new SD card today for my new tablet and I know there use to be a way to change the default app install location but I can't seem to fin it on my tablet. Some videos seem to indicate going into storage settings but I can't seem to find that on my tablet. Some also seem to indicate developer settings and other apps but not sue what all to trust as some are pimping their own apps and always makes me wonder whats in their app besides what is suppose to be there.
So how do I go about changing the app install to the SD card as my internal memory is small as I expected to get a big card so....