<- Random jumble of crap = not cool.
Don't be like that buddy!
You're a super dooper guy man!
You are definitely awesome in my books... who cares about some "user name" any way because it doesn't represent who you are as a person on the inside
Turn that frown upside down!
We're talking about anyone who has a cool and clever user name (so not me!

Nnnnnoooo x 50 billion!
Have you never heard of the "Large
Hadron Collider"?
Large Hadron Collider - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Wikipedia the grand knowledge data base for all human kind! (And also for trolls to edit any page at free will just to harass someone!

A Hadron is a very interesting sub atomic particle. I think it is similar to a catalyst but I don't 300% understand it but from what I gather it has something to do with the Higgs Boson which is what the Scientists say is what creates gravity.
I could be very wrong though so don't take my word on that!
Some scientists say gravity might be in the form of a wave... but I am not 300% sure because then it is stronger at certain points and weaker at other times / points which doesn't make sense but I could be wrong about that.
Anyway that is just my 2 cents!
So NO your user name I thought was pretty clever / cool!
And in any event... we all know who has the coolest user name of all don't we now? ...
Android Forums - View Profile: Stinky Stinky

I am the Alpha... and the Omega!
I am the best thing since sliced bread!
I look in the mirror at least 15 times a day and say: