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Root CM7 Reloaded Random Reboots

for one thing if your overclocking and it's rebooting that means that you are overclocking to a frequency which makes your cpu unstable and can get damaged... If it's on both stock and OC frequencies then try wipe cache/ dalvik cache and reflash it. Also same thing for undervolting. If it reboots for undervolting it means your cpu is getting unstable.
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I have had to factory reset 2 days in a row now to stop the phone from randomly just looping the cm7 logo. After the reset and reflash the first time it worked great for about 24 hours and then just randomly started rebooting again. Have now factory reset again and reset it all with the minimum number of apps I can get away with daily. Will see what happens. FYI I was on the 3-04 build when this all started. Now back to 3-01 (although that is the one that rebooted the last time).
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My wife and I have spontaneous reboots; mine are pretty frequent (multiple times today), her's once in a while as far as she can tell.

We just got these phones ~2 weeks ago and we ran the stock ROM for about...maybe an hour. :D These are our first Android phones and we installed many apps, so the problem, as far as I can tell, can be anything.

Right now, I'm trying to decide how to troubleshoot. Are there any diagnostics, logs, traces I could utilise?

- I could wipe it and put the OEM ROM I backed up onto it and slowly add my apps one at a time (I'd like a better option)

- I could uninstall apps over time to see if the problem clears

- I could wipe/reinstall CM7 and slowly add apps

Since I've only had the phone ~2 weeks and don't use it that much, I can play around with it. How would you guys recommend I proceed?
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Well have you flashed any kernel's seperate from what CM7 installs, I have also had an issue with my phone rebooting alot after I did a fresh CM7 install had to flash the OC kernel again, I would start with the kernel try flashing Whyzor's new OC kernel 1.7.19 & see if that helps if not then flash the original OC kernel & see what happens.
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I haven't used any other kernels. I grabbed [KERNEL] TheOC v1.7.19 kernel for MT Isaac & TG based CM7 and have it ready to flash as my next step.

For now, I uninstalled a few apps that automatically ran that I wasn't using anyway (hotmail, Y! mail and IM, Craigslist) and the phone ran smoothly again (It was hitching badly). I then cleared Dalvik and partition caches in case its something simple there.
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I had another self-reboot today, so no luck. I did notice shortly before it happened that the phone got really sluggish, to where simple scrolling was terribly hitching. I noticed this on a few occasions; the reboot may be in response (or an effect of) whatever is bogging it down.

Let me know how your wipe performs; it looks like I'll have to do the same thing and rebuild slowly.
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ive gotten at least 10 random reboots since this morning. its getting annoying. i also noticed that my wifi turns itself on. i turn it off and 30 seconds later its back on and connected. im in recovery right now getting read to try wiping the dalvik cache. hopefully this helps because i dont wanna reflash a clean rom again and rebuild all my apps =/
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ive gotten at least 10 random reboots since this morning. its getting annoying. i also noticed that my wifi turns itself on. i turn it off and 30 seconds later its back on and connected. im in recovery right now getting read to try wiping the dalvik cache. hopefully this helps because i dont wanna reflash a clean rom again and rebuild all my apps =/

random reboots tend to usually stem from 1 of 3 things most

1. the flash of the rom didnt take correctly somehow and somethings just acting up (usually not the case but sometimes can be)

2. system files werent correctly wiped, or a backup was loaded which had system files in it and as i like to call it, system files are headbutting effect ( this normally isnt the case either but i have seen it pop up from time to time)

3. an app you installed is acting up, going rouge to say, not only can a rouge app cause random reboots, but if said rouge app had permission to wifi i could see it turning the wifi on itself as well ( This tends to be the biggest random reboot reason)(Rouge Apps are Evil lol)
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I had random reboots with CM7 (Whyzor's) and nuking/reflashing mitigated it but two of the "rogue apps" that triggered it were Voxer and Firefox (various versions). I don't consider these rogue since they run on 65,000+ and 81,000+ devices (including our Evo Vs) without issue.

There are a lot of moving parts from a lot of different folks and an intermittent conflict somewhere amongst all that would be difficult to pinpoint, especially if it can't be reliably recreated. Even if you were to isolate the root, there may be nothing anyone can do about it (i.e. hardware or associated firmware/driver issue).

Your best bet is to format everything, reflash, and only install essential apps and wait for a few days of stability to install anything else and install only one or two at a time.
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