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Combining apps in folder


Aug 8, 2013
I had posted a question here about combining apps in a folder but thought I had found the answer to my question and deleted the post. But actually I didn't find the answer. I had went back to my Motorola Droid x without thinking and tried combining apps that I thought wouldn't combine and they did. The HBO GO combined with TWC app. Thought well, I must have made a mistake earlier when those 2 apps didn't combine. Well I just figured out what happened. The droid x is running a much earlier version of Android which allows combining these apps and others like it. After deleting my earlier question I went to my Samsung Tab 3 7.0 and it wasn't possible to do what was possible on the droid x. Now back to the earlier question. Is there a way of forcing these type apps to combine in a folder as they did in the earlier Android 2.0 version. Not going to delete this question again. LOL
If you're talking about grouping similar apps into folders....like a folder named Games, where you put all your game apps, etc....then I'd suggest Folder Organizer from the Play Store. You can create folders with custom names that reside on the "desktop". Then just tap the folder and choose the app you want.

And you can have folders within folders. Is that what you are after?

PS...when you download a new app Folder Organizer alerts you that it hasn't been assigned to a folder yet and will take you to the assignment screen. VERY easy to manage apps with this little program.
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