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Compressed file is empty


Hello Group,

I have three Profiles the accomplish the following?

Profile one compresses the userbackup.xml file into userbackup.06-07-2015.03.00.xml.zip; the date of course changes. Then I have another profile that copies the compressed file to another directory and the third profile emails the file to my Google account. Once the file is copied to the second directory it then gets uploaded to Google Drive and Dropbox. Yes, I know its redundant but Tasker is so important and I have invested a lot of time and efforts into building these Profiles that the redundancy is perfectly fine with me and well warranted.

Here is the problem I am having. When I view the compressed file it is empty. When the file is emailed via the Profile the compressed file is not empty. The compressed file appears to be successful because the size goes from 153 kb to 18 kb compressed. Also when the compressed file is sent to my Google Drive and my DropBox account it is also empty. When I physically e-mail the compressed file (not using Tasker just open my e-mail app and attach the file) the compressed file is again empty.

So the question is why is the compressed file empty even though the compression was successful. It's empty when e-mailed; it's empty when it gets sent to the DropBox and Google Drive accounts.

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