When I first started with Straight Talk I ported my cell number to Google Voice and got a new number with Straight Talk. I soon realized I had a problem with rejected/ignored calls re-ringing my phone, as there seemed to be an endless forwarding loop, at least until Google Voice timed out and sent the call to voicemail. For me, the solution was to disable call conditional call forwarding, which I was unable to do through the menus on my Galaxy Nexus (it told me it wasn't supported), but I was able to do by dialing ##004#. Subsequently going into the settings on the phone showed that conditional call forwarding was disabled.
Suddenly today I discovered that my conditional call forwarding had been reset to some number I've never seen before. When I ignore a call, the caller is told that my voicemail is not setup yet, and they are disconnected. When I call this forwarding number, it appears to be some sort of back door number to an AT&T voicemail system. I've tried everything I can think of to disable call forwarding again, including going through the device menus, dialing ##004#, ##67#, ##61# and ##62# MMI codes, but nothing seems to work. Dialing the MMI codes reports success, but the calls are still forwarded to this new number. After dialing the MMI codes and getting a success message, if I go into the settings via the device menus, the options initially show that they are disabled, but then they quickly get populated with this new number.
Any suggestions on how I can disable/cancel conditional forwarding again?
Suddenly today I discovered that my conditional call forwarding had been reset to some number I've never seen before. When I ignore a call, the caller is told that my voicemail is not setup yet, and they are disconnected. When I call this forwarding number, it appears to be some sort of back door number to an AT&T voicemail system. I've tried everything I can think of to disable call forwarding again, including going through the device menus, dialing ##004#, ##67#, ##61# and ##62# MMI codes, but nothing seems to work. Dialing the MMI codes reports success, but the calls are still forwarded to this new number. After dialing the MMI codes and getting a success message, if I go into the settings via the device menus, the options initially show that they are disabled, but then they quickly get populated with this new number.
Any suggestions on how I can disable/cancel conditional forwarding again?