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Conditional call forwarding & Google Voice (AT&T SIM)


Android Expert
When I first started with Straight Talk I ported my cell number to Google Voice and got a new number with Straight Talk. I soon realized I had a problem with rejected/ignored calls re-ringing my phone, as there seemed to be an endless forwarding loop, at least until Google Voice timed out and sent the call to voicemail. For me, the solution was to disable call conditional call forwarding, which I was unable to do through the menus on my Galaxy Nexus (it told me it wasn't supported), but I was able to do by dialing ##004#. Subsequently going into the settings on the phone showed that conditional call forwarding was disabled.

Suddenly today I discovered that my conditional call forwarding had been reset to some number I've never seen before. When I ignore a call, the caller is told that my voicemail is not setup yet, and they are disconnected. When I call this forwarding number, it appears to be some sort of back door number to an AT&T voicemail system. I've tried everything I can think of to disable call forwarding again, including going through the device menus, dialing ##004#, ##67#, ##61# and ##62# MMI codes, but nothing seems to work. Dialing the MMI codes reports success, but the calls are still forwarded to this new number. After dialing the MMI codes and getting a success message, if I go into the settings via the device menus, the options initially show that they are disabled, but then they quickly get populated with this new number.

Any suggestions on how I can disable/cancel conditional forwarding again?
Follow-up -

I called Straight Talk today to see if I could resolve this problem, but not really expecting they would be any help. The first rep I spoke with made things worse. After apparently making no progress on the issue, and ending the call, I couldn't use the menus or MMI codes to even change the number for conditional forwarding, meaning that any call I didn't answer would end up going to a recording telling the caller that my voicemail was not setup yet.

After another call, another rep, 30+ minutes on hold, and a manager later, all forwarding on my phone had been turned off. Now calls don't forward anywhere, even when my phone is off - perfect for someone using Google Voice exclusively.
One last update: a Straight Talk rep contacted me here via private message regarding this issue. I just wanted to publicly acknowledge their quick response and presence here in the forums.
I've been hit with the same issue again - AT&T apparently pushed an update and my conditional call forwarding got reset to default values. Again I am unable to disable/erase conditional call forwarding, and calls to StraightTalk (so far) have gotten me nowhere, since I can't seem to reach a rep that believes this is anything other than a phone issue and that I must contact the phone manufacturer to resolve it.

Any suggestions?
I just wish I could set the always forward option to my Google Voice (GV) for times that I know I will not have a cell signal with Straight Talk (ST) but will be on another Sim or WiFi for a while. (GV also forwards to a SIP phone account that rings my phone, great for when out of the US where the ST sim is worthless anyway). I think not providing these simple feature to ST users has been my biggest gripe with ST, well No access to Google Maps while not on wifi is quickly moving to the top of the list since the recent Maps update that "removes" navigator (browsing internet is working fine, just google services appear blocked). But, I'll save that for an appropriate thread.
Have you specified a proxy in your APN settings? If so, you might want to remove it. Mine is blank and I have no problems using Google Maps with mobile data.
I'm guessing they are blocking it at the proxy server. When cleared it appears to work again (one test). Will see if they detect I'm not using their proxy and text or call. Really wish they would stop changing the settings and such. Really annoying to have everything working one day then with no change on your end it all stops. I'm guessing there goal is to block streaming music, but they did't make the rule targeted enough to not block other lower bandwidth features.
I've been hit with the same issue again - AT&T apparently pushed an update and my conditional call forwarding got reset to default values. Again I am unable to disable/erase conditional call forwarding, and calls to StraightTalk (so far) have gotten me nowhere, since I can't seem to reach a rep that believes this is anything other than a phone issue and that I must contact the phone manufacturer to resolve it.

Any suggestions?
While I unfortunately can not help you resolve your issue I know your pain.

My dad has a Straight talk CDMA phone, on verizon network. His will get a recording from verizon telling callers that the number has been disconnected.

And this happens to all unanswered calls. We(meaning me) have spoken with customer (dis)service numerous times they told him that it was his phone so he bought a new one, went from a old plain flip phone to the android galaxy proclaim and the problem persisted they then said they would work on it on there end. That was 3 months ago.
Thanks for the helpful posts. What worked for me with my Samsung Galaxy S2 on ATT GSM Straight Talk was to go to settings, calls, call forwarding, and overwrite the ATT VM number with my google voice number.
Thanks for the helpful posts. What worked for me with my Samsung Galaxy S2 on ATT GSM Straight Talk was to go to settings, calls, call forwarding, and overwrite the ATT VM number with my google voice number.

I will have to give this a shot and see what happens, might be the easiest way to do this, I am not on ST, but will be switching at the end of the month to AIO, so I will see if this is possible with AIO, if not will have to figure out how to get CCF with AIO to my GV, since I have been using GV for over 3 years now, and really don't want to change. Any other suggestions ?? I'm all ears.
I will have to give this a shot and see what happens, might be the easiest way to do this, I am not on ST, but will be switching at the end of the month to AIO, so I will see if this is possible with AIO, if not will have to figure out how to get CCF with AIO to my GV, since I have been using GV for over 3 years now, and really don't want to change. Any other suggestions ?? I'm all ears.

If you're set on sticking with Google Voice, I recommend confirming that CCF is available with AIO. After years on post-paid, I took things like CCF for granted, but not all pre-paid carriers offer what many would consider basic, standard features.
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