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Connected Bluetooth Devices in Notification Drop Down?


Apr 1, 2010
My S8 used to have a notification that showed me what Bluetooth audio device was connected. At some point it went away, and I'm not sure if I changed a setting or if that was a feature that got removed in an update. I'm on Verizon and just got the Pie update but it was gone long ago. Anyone know if I can get this feature back?
That's interesting, I might have a use for that but it's not what I was looking for. The old feature made it easy to switch your audio device from your bluetooth headset to the phone speaker without having to completely turn off bluetooth or disconnect the device.

That sounds like the Smart Things panel that ocnbrze mentioned- when I'm connected to something, I can just pull down the notification shade and tap Audio Output in the Smart Things panel, and it pops up a list of devices that I'm connected to, and I can select which of them to output sound to. I use this all the time along with the Separate App Sound option so that I can just output music to my bluetooth speaker and have regular notifications sounds and whatnot still play through the phone itself.
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