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Help Contact shortcut with google talk popup option


Coming from Nexus One to Droid X and want to put contact shortcuts on one of my homescreens that when tapped will let me choose from phone, messages, gmail, view contact and google talk. It was an easy option on my NO as well as my wifes Milestone. Cant figure it out on the X or her Droid 2.
Posted this in this Tips section a while back. Download and install the app Folder Organizer Lite from the Market. Follow the directions below, except choose Contact instead of Direct Call or Direct Message.

I found a way to get a Direct Dial shortcut using the free app Folder Organizer Lite. Long press the homescreen (or setup in Launcher Pro Dock) and select Shortcut, Folder Organizer Item, Direct Call, choose from your contact list.

For the Direct Text using Folder Organizer Lite again. Long press the homescreen (or setup in Launcher Pro Dock) and select Shortcut, Folder Organizer Item, Direct Text, choose from your contact list.

Edit: Just checked. You don't even need Folder Organizer Lite. Long press on the homescreen, choose Shortcut, Contact, select your contact from the list.
That's close, but not what I'm looking for. When you tap on the shortcut made with the above method, it takes you to a page that gives you all the contact's info, including numbers, birthdate, website etc. There is an icon at the top left of that contact info page that when tapped offers the pop-up i'm looking for on the homescreen. Had it on the rooted Nexus as well as on the non-rooted milestone. Anyone know how do replicate this for the X?
Yep. When he taps on the contact and those choices pop up, that's exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks for the visual!
I can't view the video from work, so not sure if my solution is even close...

If you download CONTACT WIDGET, you can add contacts to your homescreen, via Widget > Contact Widget > [select contact] > Select [Default Dialog] option.

Then when you click on your the contact's picture on your homescreen it will give you options to Show, Call, or SMS. If you select SMS, your optional apps to SMS will show until you make one your default. So if you choose Google Voice, that's as close to Google Talk as I can find :)

Alternatively, I use eBuddy. You can sign in to all your messengers there, including GoogleTalk.
Rooted my DX and loaded a 'de-blurred' rom. Now when adding a contact shortcut I have what I want. Apparently motoblur took that over on the stock setup and that was the source of my problem.
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