This is for AndroidForums submissions for the SpoofApp contest announced here:
Prank Calling My Mom with SpoofApp (CONTEST!) | Android Phone Fans
To summarize, we've got 5 free SpoofApp SpoofCards to give away! Each has 60 minutes of free time on it. You MUST have at least 100+ posts on AndroidForums to qualify. Reply to this thread saying how you'll use your SpoofCard if you win and I'll pick 5 responses that I like.
Entries will be accepted until 5pm East Coast USA time on August 27th, 2009. Good luck!
Prank Calling My Mom with SpoofApp (CONTEST!) | Android Phone Fans
To summarize, we've got 5 free SpoofApp SpoofCards to give away! Each has 60 minutes of free time on it. You MUST have at least 100+ posts on AndroidForums to qualify. Reply to this thread saying how you'll use your SpoofCard if you win and I'll pick 5 responses that I like.
Entries will be accepted until 5pm East Coast USA time on August 27th, 2009. Good luck!