Android Expert
So, once Verizon stop allowing customers to keep their unlimited with upgrades, won't craigslist and other sites blow up with people selling phones?
I may have to sell my Rezound once I upgrade to pay for my upgrade when the bill I put it on comes due, and I am pretty sure it should be easy once these changes happen, or am I mistaken?
Also, where are some resources to learn about used phone sales, so I do it right if I do that? I know I can post it here, but when (or if) I have to, I will probably go here first.
I may have to sell my Rezound once I upgrade to pay for my upgrade when the bill I put it on comes due, and I am pretty sure it should be easy once these changes happen, or am I mistaken?
Also, where are some resources to learn about used phone sales, so I do it right if I do that? I know I can post it here, but when (or if) I have to, I will probably go here first.