A while back I was barely able to afford a Moto G Stylus with 2 Walmart gift cards. I'm not going into all the other problems here. I've been trying to minimize googoo's nasty presence with No Root Firewall. I'm sure that has something to do with it but I blame mostly googoo. I had been averaging probably 3 to 5 crashes a day, some of them what are called soft boots, I believe. By this I mean shorter times off and less harm done, I suppose. Lately it's been getting worse. Yesterday I followed advice to disable googoo play services, and gladly. Those creeps couldn't stand it. Even with the phone off wifi (no regular service at all) I was bombarded with their messages to enable. It's a wonder I'm not as cratered as the Moon after all that. This morning I reluctantly gave in and enabled their tired crap just to be able to use the thing. It has crashed plenty, sometimes for many minutes, and it almost feels lucky when it comes on again. Also, my open tabs were destroyed more than once. Luckily, I have them bookmarked, but it's still annoying at a minimum. I can't really afford another phone right now and I'm not sure I would get it if I could. Please help.