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Root Custom pink theme for megatron 6.1.1


Android Enthusiast
UNFINISHED and will not be finished

First of all you want megatron 6.1.1 witch can be found on this thread (click here)

Secondly, i decided to make a pink theme for 6.1.1 since the pink theme for 6.0.4 is no longer available let me know what you think, here is what i have so far

screenshot-1396249486194.png a3ytytav.jpg screenshot-1396249533377.png screenshot-1396249541326.png screenshot-1396249567827.png screenshot-1396249626146.png screenshot-1396249658554.png screenshot-1396249852882.png screenshot-1396249885332.png

P.S. sorry about the usb connected screenshot being grainy the android is the same color as the disconnected one i took a pic of the screen with my other phone.
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Welcome to this forum. Here you can get lots of things and suggestions for you problem.
For your this problem I suggest you to contact another expert currently I don
First I am fully capable of answering the questions in my thread but thanks for trying to help and secondly No it won't work with 6.2.5
In fact I would suggest you use 6.1.1 the link is in the megatron thread on the last or second to last page
In fact I would suggest you use 6.1.1 the link is in the megatron thread on the last or second to last page

I LOL'ed when that guy welcomed me to the forums.. i'm not new to them... i'm just new to the phone... funny thing is.. that guy really is NEW XD only one post and he joined in this month.

@powerkane.. hmm interesting you say that.. does 6.2.5 have issues like battery life, no stability or what? anyways i will be getting 6.1.1 since it looks like you have experience with this ROM already! Thanks.
Yes I do I used it for 2 years before upgrading to the LG Mach 6.2.5 isn't stable and the DEV doesn't have time to work on it further since the tu community died out pretty much I posted a link to 6. 1.1 in the first post
Does the theme have to be a color or like for instance a zombie theme, also a Batman, the joker and Super Mario Bros would be just effin fantastic lol... :D:D:D
No not really but there are 2 ways I can do a zombie theme either resident evil with red and white or like apocalyptic with neon green I need to know what kind your going for like super Mario do u want it red for Mario or green for Luigi
The apocalyptic zombie green and red, and Mario red and blue, the colors I mentioned could be either or.....Thanks so much, those are the 2 things my phone is always, Love them both, lol
OK it will take me some time i have Saturday off so I'll work on it for sure if I remember lol may be out Saturday may be out by the next time I have a day off
i lost the files i was working on and i just recently got moved up to full time at my job so i really haven't had the time to work on it im sorry i can try something on my next day off if i remember :(
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