someone please help my phone is rooted downloaded emulator from market when
I type in the second line I keep getting "invalid length" error I have no idea whats
Wrong I unzipped on sd root folder "flash image" is there file too. Inoticed if I type in
"su shell" no # sign just $ so ive been just typing su then line 1, but line 2 keeps
Givimg me that error shoulld I put 1.1.0 after flash_image. Im a noob obviously and about
To chuck phone lol
I type in the second line I keep getting "invalid length" error I have no idea whats
Wrong I unzipped on sd root folder "flash image" is there file too. Inoticed if I type in
"su shell" no # sign just $ so ive been just typing su then line 1, but line 2 keeps
Givimg me that error shoulld I put 1.1.0 after flash_image. Im a noob obviously and about
To chuck phone lol