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Root CWM Error Backing Up /Data

I'm getting this error when trying to make a nandroid backup in CWM. I've tried with both CWM5 and CWM6 and I get the same error with both.

Any idea whats wrong?


You didn't mention, but if its a stock rom I don't think cwm6 will work, I'm pretty sure 6 has an issue with stock roms

As for cwm 5, I was just reading another thread where I believe thang was helping
someone out, I believe he said it may be a ext.4 issue

A few ppl in that thread suggested touch one I believe tarp or twmp or something

If I recall correct tho on one of the cwm download pages I believe someone at somepoint created a cwm 5 that could read ext.4 stuff but I can't remember fully

Also be sure you got the space for it, if I recall some nandroids can be large
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