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Root Cyanogemod source help


Android Enthusiast
Ok, so im trying to get this to build from source just so i can mess around with it but i cant seem to figure it out..

i have downloaded the cyanogen repo (and the official repo also), but when i go to build it it allways fails.. i put Requisites device profile from github (renamed to "admire" as per the .mk files.) and when i ran
$ . build/envsetup.sh
and then
 $ lunch admire-eng
(thats the build name..) it gave me an error so i looked in device_admire.mk and changed the name to admire (rather then full_admire) and copyed that file and dumped it into
and now it sees the device profile correctly, but i cant get it to compile.. the error i get after running
lunch admire-eng
brunch admire-eng
gets me...

make: *** No rule to make target `device/samsung/admire/prebuilt/lib/liblog.so', needed by `out/target/product/admire/system/lib/liblog.so'.  Stop.

Thanks in advance
I just checked the github, and there's a lot of files that didn't get added (due to the .gitignore file, specifically the majority of the prebuilt files). If you get the new files and overwrite the old ones, and just run this command line, it should build fine:

. build/envsetup.sh && brunch full_admire-eng

Also, I wouldn't suggest running the extract-files.sh script, I mainly made it for my own convenience, and it will introduce problems because some of the prebuilts need to be modified by hand to work correctly in CM7.
i had to do a reinstall of ubuntu 10.04 cause something broke.. lol. so once i get all the dependencies and such ill try again. Thanks:)

edit: ok now im still getting errors.. it must be java related because i couldnt even get crespo to compile as a test... i hava the java jdk 6 update 31 installed.. is that right? should i try 7?
ok, i must be starting to sound pretty stupid, but i can not seem to get java to install right since they took it off the repo..

i downloaded it from oracle got it to self extract and tried to export a path to it but when i type
java -version
i still get could not be found... i know it installed correctly because if i cd into
and test it works...
ok, i must be starting to sound pretty stupid, but i can not seem to get java to install right since they took it off the repo..

i downloaded it from oracle got it to self extract and tried to export a path to it but when i type
java -version
i still get could not be found... i know it installed correctly because if i cd into
and test it works...

echo "export PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_29/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
java -version
ok i have java working now, but now i get some error with sdk. Ill try again in a couple days.

I let my mother borrow my computer for like an hour and she managed to somehow kill my internal wireless card so i have to take it to bestbuy and have those greedy idiots replace it. (i think the best buy reps are in the same "Not even a person" category and the sales reps for the metro stores.)
oh so true. I would love nothing more then to slap them with my $800 dollar computer but alas it is my only means of well life in general, so because it is cheaper then doing it myself (I have there ridiculous warranty) i will have to let them do it. so in the mean time, i will kill some zombies of the Nazi variety on XBOX...
no good pay either? Lol

back on topic:

im running the build again to see what that error was. It got pretty far last time but tripped on like the sdk build (Why is it building the sdk?)
Ohhh. Ok, it didnt take nearly as long to get to this time,
make: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/bb2sym_intermediates/bb2sym.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/bb2sym_intermediates/trace_reader.o] Error 1

is the error i get..
sorry for all the nooby-ness.
Ohhh. Ok, it didnt take nearly as long to get to this time,
make: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/bb2sym_intermediates/bb2sym.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/bb2sym_intermediates/trace_reader.o] Error 1

is the error i get..
sorry for all the nooby-ness.

lol doesn't really tell me anything other than it's failing while building bb2sym. You might be missing a library, or something, I don't know. You sure you sync'd the cm7 (gingerbread) repo and such? I'm running Kubuntu 11.10, and have no build problems (other than those I create occasionally).
Yea thats all i got out of it too.

i synced the repo (Which took FOREVER) and im on Ubuntu 10.04 (the version its made to run on?) should i update to 11.10?
Yea thats all i got out of it too.

i synced the repo (Which took FOREVER) and im on Ubuntu 10.04 (the version its made to run on?) should i update to 11.10?

Yeah, syncing takes forever. You've got build-essential installed, and all the other prerequisite packages yeah? If the docs say it should build on 10.04 then it should build on 10.04. I've just never tried.
all the official Cyanogen things say use 10.04 but i mite try to upgrade. and ive got all those prerequisite packages installed. I did them all one by one to make sure they went correctly..
Yeah, Google says use 10.04 for AOSP as well. I can build cm7 fine on 11.10, but I have ran into problems building cm9 on 11.10 (pretty sure it's just related to my device profile though). Maybe try syncing again?
yea i think thats what ill do. irritating because i have a really slow internet connection lol.

repo init -u [URL]git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git[/URL] -b gingerbread

and then sync should get it correctly right? lol
yea i think thats what ill do. irritating because i have a really slow internet connection lol.

repo init -u [URL]git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git[/URL] -b gingerbread

and then sync should get it correctly right? lol

You've already got the repo initialized, just repo sync again.
Ok i FINALLY got it to build! :D
what i did was delete the /sdk/emulator folder (mite come bite me in the arse later) and no errors after that. I got it finally.
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