This is a kernel tweaked off of the CM Iproj Kernel. A lot of the code will be directly borrowed from the repos of Windkernel, Showp1984, and Faux123
This is a custom kernel, so don't report issues it may cause as issues with roms. Always run the kernel included with those roms when reporting issues.
This kernel will replace/remove/rename a few things on /system so make sure you have a backup.
I recommend using either Trickstermod or Kernel Tuner to tweak kernel settings. They both have their fine points. I personally prefer Kernel Tuner.
Latest Version: V44
I highly recommend using this with my enhanced init.d script. Get it from here
Previous Versions
Source: github
Showp1984 Explains some of the tunables for msm_mpdecision and msm_thermald on his rom page here. AS well as a bit about the badass governor.
This is a custom kernel, so don't report issues it may cause as issues with roms. Always run the kernel included with those roms when reporting issues.
This kernel will replace/remove/rename a few things on /system so make sure you have a backup.
- /system/etc/ - stop mpdecision and thermald, just in case they're running somehow
- vold.fstab - only mount the external sdcard to clean up some logcat spam
- /system/lib/modules - deletes all modules and replaces them with the ones for this kernel
- Overclocked to max out at 1.83ghz
- GPU overclocked to max at 300mhz
- Added the governors: smartassv2 and lagfree
- Added the I/O schedulers: row, sio, and vr
- Added kernel based MSM Mpdecision from Showp1984
- Added 3 stage kernel based MSM thermald from Showp1984
- Added Dynamic fsync from one of faux123's repos
- Sysfs Tunable CPU voltage table
- Lowered the LCD screen max current (may make the screen a bit dimmer)
- Enabled more tcp congestion methods.(may or may not do much)
- Enable zram and swap
- Lots of miscellaneous fixes, check the commit history for details.
I recommend using either Trickstermod or Kernel Tuner to tweak kernel settings. They both have their fine points. I personally prefer Kernel Tuner.
Latest Version: V44
I highly recommend using this with my enhanced init.d script. Get it from here
Previous Versions
Source: github
Showp1984 Explains some of the tunables for msm_mpdecision and msm_thermald on his rom page here. AS well as a bit about the badass governor.