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Darn! Just Got 30 Days To Serve Appeal Was Denied...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2016
I Can't Believe This Is Happening.. :mad:
I tried to appeal and they said they don't care that it's xmas time.. year's end or anything else..
I HAVE to serve my time..
I can't believe they are that cruel..but MetroPCS said you WILL do the remainder of your 90 days with us (30 to go..:cool:) before we let you out... and give you the freedom of having a Clean IMEI and no more obligation to MetroPCS for purchasing the ZMP at a discounted price.. thus giving you the option to sell your device Free & Clear..

So.. for any of you or your family / friends that want one of the few SOLID running ZMP's (that did not need or receive the version 12 update that has omitted options and caused new issues) mine will be up for sale as soon as the 30 day sentence is served..

I Don't Believe Root Access Will Be Achieved.. Thus, it will be time to move on for me come Mid-January. :cool:
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I remember a large group of people moving on and trading out or selling their ZMAX Z970 devices.... Then we ended up getting root. You gotta have patience.
Actually.. No I Do Not Have To Have Patience... :cool:
I'm fortunately.. blessed enough to also own a Samsung Galaxy Note 4.. that was having issues with the MM update in Sept/Oct.. and I was fortunate enough to get the ZTE Zmax Pro for only $39.99 using the port a number deal.. to carry me through... Well.. I'm happy to say that Project L N7 V7 has cured ALL my Note 4 issues.. :D So, I have Root.. A Custom ROM and an Unlocked Bootloader.. Xposed etc..
The Zmax Pro MAY at some point in 2017 obtain Root.. but then how long after that before ANY ROM can be created or ported???
Sometimes you have to face the facts.. ZTE has locked this device DOWN.. and EVERY effort to root has been met with ABSOLUTE DISASTER.. :cool:
For me its a *TROPHY PHONE* that is packed with features.. and I got Brand New for only $39.99.. Sell it for profit or keep it.. either way.. I'm cool :cool:
So No.. I don't have to have patience when I own a Note 4 or ( if ever needed ) I can buy a Moto G4 ( which has Lots of development ) for just a little more than a Zmax Pro.. The G4 is what anyone that wants root should be selling their ZMax Pro for.. it's only $70.00 bucks more... Bootloader Unlocked, easily rooted.. and has ROM's a Plenty...
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