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Data performance between different ROMs

kool kat2

Android Expert
I made an observation since last night. I remember when I first upgraded to 4.0.4 I was surprised at the improved data I was getting. Really it was useable when all I had before were frustrations with this phone. Anyway, that feeling went away after a bit of from flashing. I just put it off as me being excited about the update and figured nothing much had changed as far as signal strength. Well, last night I went back to bamf, which was the first from I flashed from the stock imm76k. I hadn't noticed a difference in signal strength here, it was after going to other roms that I began to realize the data and signal issues were still there. Anyway, since last night my signal has been great and consistent. No data drops that I've noticed.

The thing that really made me think here was that this morning at work, I had 4g in an are where I struggle to get a signal. Pages were loading fine with no network errors or slow downs. I was going through different apps and everything was going great. I started to test in other areas around work (where my 4g only comes on when I'm outside ) and I saw 4g in other places where I hadn't before. My 4g and bars were blue. I'm submitting this from an area where I couldn't get a simple Google search to come up.

So my question is, can one rom in 5or 6 that I've used have this much of an impact on signal? I'm really surprised and hoping this isn't a fluke.
I'd guess it to be the network itself as more of the possibility for signal variance than the ROM but who really knows...

One day, if I can ever find it, I'll link to a post made by a GN kernel dev who states that kernels can and do affect signal, albeit minor.
I'd say it's more likely to be VZW's towers. Heck, I got 4G at the house the other day and I haven't seen 4G there in months. No changes on my end, and my wife's Tbolt backs me up on that...
Well, network or not, I'm still being surprised by this. I'd be interested to read about the kernel's effects though, I'll probably try searching that later......

can't really compare to see if there are improvements network wise because I have the only 4g phone at work. But now that you mentioned it, it does seem like a more logical explanation. Although I was hoping for something more along the lines of a mythical 4g unicorn spreading signal to gnex users everywhere .
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