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Data Plan


Well-Known Member
I came back again to the Droid side. And can say yes I missed it.
Anyway I have a question about the Bionic, I had the unlimited data plan on my other phone. When they person was setting up my phone he told me that I would lose the unlimited since I am going to the 4G phone? Is this right, I mean I been having unlimited for over two years now and this person is telling me that I can't have it anymore due to the phone I got now?

Can anybody help on this matter please.

Thanks again

Great to be back on the DROID side...
Somebody is telling you a lie. You don't lose Unlimited if you have had it since before they introduced Tiered pricing. You'll be grandfathered in no matter what device you use (unless of course it's a feature phone).

I had a Blackberry Storm 2 since November of 09 I think, of course with unlimited. Switched to the Bionic on launch day without any issues or losing anything.

I'd say talk to a manager or some other store, since like I said, you will be able to keep your unlimited.

Now if you had a feature phone and are now upgrading to the Bionic, you won't get unlimited since you require a different data plan.
I went from my D1 to the Bionic and they didn't change anything on my plan, nothing changed at all, still unlimited, just like on the D1. Only difference is is now I'm 4G-LTE on Bionic instead of 3G on the D1.

But, when I login to myverizon, everything plan wise looks exactly as it did before... including unlimited data....
Thanks for all your information I thought that was the case, This guy look like he didn't know what he was talking about anyways. He also told me that their was no 14 days to have to try your phone out, He told me once you walk out that door you cannot return it tonight on ever.

Thanks again I will be calling today and getting this straight.

I went from my D1 to the Bionic and they didn't change anything on my plan, nothing changed at all, still unlimited, just like on the D1. Only difference is is now I'm 4G-LTE on Bionic instead of 3G on the D1.

But, when I login to myverizon, everything plan wise looks exactly as it did before... including unlimited data....

Same here. I called in to order my phones and thought that I would have to change to the tiered plan and the sales rep assured me that as long as I continue to renew my contract I will have unlimited for my and my Wife's phones. I added my daughter as a smartphone user and her data is tiered, but ours remained unlimited.

I went from my D1 to the Bionic and they didn't change anything on my plan, nothing changed at all, still unlimited, just like on the D1. Only difference is is now I'm 4G-LTE on Bionic instead of 3G on the D1.

But, when I login to myverizon, everything plan wise looks exactly as it did before... including unlimited data....

exactly the same here, D1 to Bionic. Still have unlimited (and glad, Im at 800mb in 7 days )
I just got off the phone with Verizon and the lady told me that everything was the same and I have unlimited data. She said the guy I was dealing with must of been new or didn't know what he was doing. All in all I have my same plan and got back to the Droid family again. I missed you guys. lol
Thanks for all your help again.
No way should you lose it.
When I got my Bionic, I also switched off a family plan with my parents and sister, and went to a family plan with my wife and mother-in-law.
I basically ended my line, and reopened an account on a totally different plan, and I still kept my unlimited.
And theres still more...
Then I found out I was eligible for a 23% discount through my employer, as well as cell phone reimbursement on my monthly bill. So I wanted to switch to the primary line to take advantage of these offers. At the time my mother-in-law was the primary line because she received an 18% discount. So in switching us, apparently verizon had to cancel that whole entire family plan, and start us all on a brand new account. Had to do the whole prorated billing thing, had to set up an all new account online and all of that stuff. Opened up a brand new contract and plan with them. And I still kept my unlimited.

The trick is...when talking to people at the retail stores they told me that I would lose it. Both times.
So during the first change I made, I did it over the phone. That representative said I would be able to keep it no problem. Something about features transfer over, and unlimited data is a feature. They told me all you need to do is talk to someone from Assumption of Liability department and they could do it for me.

The second time when I was switching to the primary line we didnt even bother going to a store. We just made the phone call. But this time the phone rep wasnt going to transfer it. Once again we asked to talk to Assumption of Liability like we did last time, and once again, they transferred it over to me.

Bottom line, dont deal with the people in the stores. They either dont know as much, or just dont have the authority to do certain things, so they tell you it cant be done.
Do yourself a favor and call the 800 number. They always seem more helpful. And if even they dont want to transfer your data, ask to speak with Assumption of Liability. If you do this, you should be good.
I'm glad the OP poster resolved his issue and kept his unlimited data plan, but I'll throw something in here for those who signed up more recently.

There is no unlimited plan at Verizon right now for 4G if you sign up "new". Only re-ups get to keep their unlimited plan if they already have it.

My wife has an original Droid with unlimited, and she'll get to keep it when she gets her new Bionic in December on her update date.
But I upgraded from an LG phone to my Bionic last month, and I could NOT get an unlimited plan for mine.

But here's the thing... I got the cheapest 2gig plan just to see how it would work out, and I have been using lots of connection time for installing apps and browsing on the Bionic (with Dolphin HD).
I'm halfway through the month, and the data usage I'm booking right now shows to be .031GB.
Look close; that's not .31, but .zero31GB.
That means that after using all the access I wanted, I haven't even gotten to a fraction of my data plan a full halfway through the billing month.

Now of course, my usage isn't everyone's usage, but if you sign up with Verizon, just get the smallest plan (2GB) and keep an eye on it with the "Data Usage" Widget.
There is no penalty for changing your plan (up or down), so just go with the 2GB and you'll probably be fine if you are an "average" user, and if you find that you really do need to increase it, you can change the plan without any penalty other than the cost of the plan itself.
Don't drop unlimited data by going to a dumb phone even temporarily or you will lose unlimited.
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