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Data throttling

Didn't they have to give T-Mo a huge chunk of spectrum and allow T-Mo customers access to their spectrum as part of the deal falling through? That could be a contributing factor.

They sure did. It was such a "sure deal" for att that they used their trump cards to make it happen and lost out. Att is now sticking it to its customers with higher costs and now noticing more unlimited users getting throttled at 2Gb when we used to hear of it occurring at over 10GB.

Atts angry right now and ticking off many customers
Whoa...T-Mobile seems to have come out the winner from the dissolved deal with $4 billion.
Except I thought the European parent company (I can't remember who) took the cash and T-Mo was left with none of it.
Sprint is looking better each time att pulls somethimg out their hat lately.

I would think before the year is out they will start throttling and/or offering tiered plans instead of unlimited plans :( getting the iPhone hurt them plenty and they are going to have to start loss control soon IMO
I would think before the year is out they will start throttling and/or offering tiered plans instead of unlimited plans :( getting the iPhone hurt them plenty and they are going to have to start loss control soon IMO

I totally agree. It seem thst once sprint bit theiphone bullet their data usage goes up understandably. So will their unlimited soon will go away
I would think before the year is out they will start throttling and/or offering tiered plans instead of unlimited plans :( getting the iPhone hurt them plenty and they are going to have to start loss control soon IMO

I heard in a few years they're going to do away with Wimax and get "real" 4G. It will be interesting how they try to phase out the current crop of 4G devices or if they'll just allow those devices to operate on Wimax.
I totally agree. It seem thst once sprint bit theiphone bullet their data usage goes up understandably. So will their unlimited soon will go away

On behalf of the grammar police, I'm locking this thing down.....


I am done with the constant struggle of trying to keep my data usage under 5 gigs (30$ overage!). I have wifi installed in the house now, which is what do you know, 30$ a month. I should have done this a long time ago. It is not Att's or Verizon's or T-mobile's fault they could not keep up with the data demands. Although I hope they have some long-term solutions in mind.
I heard in a few years they're going to do away with Wimax and get "real" 4G. It will be interesting how they try to phase out the current crop of 4G devices or if they'll just allow those devices to operate on Wimax.

I believe they will still support those devices on 4G until they are unable to keep a contract with clearwire. IIRC Sprint should be rolling out LTE this year as the rumored Gnex on Sprint will be a 4G device.

I am done with the constant struggle of trying to keep my data usage under 5 gigs (30$ overage!). I have wifi installed in the house now, which is what do you know, 30$ a month. I should have done this a long time ago. It is not Att's or Verizon's or T-mobile's fault they could not keep up with the data demands. Although I hope they have some long-term solutions in mind.

Yeah having WiFi at home really helped my obsurd data use as well.
Yeah they are - ATT cut Stephenson's salary by a couple of million.
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson Got Pay Cut for Failed T-Mobile Deal - Bloomberg

I just read the details about this, they cut his pay by 2 million, but he's still making 22 million, and yet AT&T has the nerve to throttle its customers and tell them that they're heavy users. If I were an AT&T customer, I'd start organizing as many people as I could to dump AT&T, just like the "Dump your bank" day a few months ago when BoA wanted to start charging people for using their ATM cards.

Oh and yeah yeah Dark Jedi, we get it, they're not breaking any laws (unless there's a law against gluttonous pay for their CEOs of course)....
If you're unhappy with a service there is nothing making you stay with that service. Its your right as a consumer to leave where you're not happy. Coming on here and complaining over and over isnt going to change anything. Like the old saying goes actions speaks louder than words.

Now you have a problem with the CEO making 22 million a year? Seriously its now wrong to try and make the most money you possibly can? It seems like you have problems with people that has it better than you? I guess you don't like anyone who's salary is more than what you make?

Here's something else to ponder I bet the CEO of at&t gets his cell service for free and I bet he isn't throttled if his data useage goes over 2gigs a month.

Do love how you single me out just because I won't side with your way of thinking. It doesn't bother me that providers throttle some of their customers. I will tell you what I did a few years back. I was with at&t for like 10 years. For many of those years I was happy with them. Then the last 4 years with them I started to have problems with their service. Lots of dropped calls and poor customer service. The main thing I had a problem was no 3g service. For 4 years I always heard next quarter or next year you will get 3g in your area. Well it never came. Till this day at&t doesn't have 3g coverage in my area. So I went to a Verizon store and talked to the sales person and switched my wife and I to Verizon. I never called the blue death star to threaten to leave or anything to try and get something out of them. They called me and asked why I left. I told them poor customer service,tons of dropped calls. Which happened every ten min. The biggest reason was no 3g service. I have been with Verizon for like 3 or 4 years now and I am happy with them. Maybe not everything is perfect but they are way better than the blue death star in my eyes. Did my leaving them make them change? Heck no it didn't. Did it hurt them when they wasn't getting my money any more? I can say no. I left because I was a consumer that wasn't happy with the way I was being treated and the level of service I was paying for. I don't care how they run their company as its theirs but I wont be apart of it.

You are not going to change these companies by doing a mass exodus. As it seems providers are either on a tiered data plans or going to them. Plus many customers isn't going to give up their grandfathered unlimited data plans to protest being throttled and go to a provider that has tiered data plans or is going to one in the near future. They would rather be throttled than to give that up.
DJ , that comment is the very typical of responses on the hellacious attwireless forum. And the reason ATT gets away with the things they do. Because no one dares speak up and challenge , instead, att rather you just break your contract, pay a huge etf and be gone so they continue doing the things they do.

That company is not hurting by NO means. The ceo being cut several million but still making 22mill (..id like that tyoe of salary)....and crying about it is the atmosphere of att these days.

Unless "current customers" speak up a nd make some action that will impact att, then they will continue doing more like we see and worse. Verizon customers spoke and V backed down.

Att doesnt like bad publicity. And they certainly censor every piece of info postef on their forum...showing how they are aware of angered customers but will do whatever they can to stifle it. Speaking out will bring results..no org or company is too big to be called into order in one way or another.

Back when they were getting major flack over baaaaaad cellular service, their then response to remove the bad image was sellimg off to Cingular. Looks like att got the upper hand on things now. They care less about the customers. They care about the $$$$$$
Yes att customers can voice their opinion about this throttling and tiered data plans. Their response will be most is trying to use their phones internet as their home internet to try and save money. The customers can complain all they want but its a hollow threat and att knows this as soon all major carriers will be on tiered data plans. So you really think customers are going to give up their grandfathered unlimited data plans to go to one of the other carriers tiered plans and pay just as much or more for less? This is why they are complaining because they won't give it up and they only have well that's not fair that they throttle me and I have an unlimited plan. That's a weak argument at best. Its not fair that I have to pay $3.65 a gallon for gas. Its not fair that everything is going up in price but peoples pay. You know life isn't fair. Never has and never will. As long as the government or the FCC or whoever govern the carriers don't see no harm in their practices. There is little the costumers can do. Because it looks like carriers are getting on the same page and having the same basic stuff. So the customers can't use the well if you don't change I will go to carrier b or c and they will give me what I want. We see it now with many people not liking being throttled. All they do is complain and not take action. Because they know there is nothing they can do to make them the carriers to stop it.

As far as forums go about deleting posts that shows the forum in a bad light. Show me one forum that doesn't do that? Every forum does this in one way or the other. So its nothing new to see. I was on a dakota forum that if you talked bad about the site or the mods or web master. Your post was deleted and you was given a warning. If you did it more times you was banned.

I will say if they want tiered plans and throttle people. then they shouldn't release streaming apps like hulu and Netflix and Pandora or this cloud stuff. Its like look you can have it but you can't use it unless you use Wi-Fi. In the end its their company and they can make the rules as they see fit. You may not like them but what are you going to do when soon all carriers will be doing the same thing.

What would you say if carriers said you can have it where you don't get throttled but you have to pay a comparitive rate like what cable internet fees are. Like $50 for 3g and like $80 for 4g. If you look at it with Verizon you are getting a hell of a deal if your unlimited data and you get 4g and 3g for the one price of $30 a month. Compared to my wife's cable internet of like $50 a month and a down speed of not even 2 megs. So people can say not many people roots their phones and tether. I say the numbers are way more and people are just lying about it to make themselves not look bad. Not saying anyone is lying in here. Just a general observation. Because if you have 4g in your area you know for the speed $30 a month is a hell of a deal for fast internet speeds. Just look at what cable is charging for the same speeds.

You can say I am trying to back the carriers all you want. It don't bother me one bit. Just remember everything a carrier does is in the contract you sign. So you can't say you didn't know or it wasn't fair or they can't do that. Your john Hancock on that document states you understand and agree to their terms as they see fit. You can only blame yourself in the end for signing something you don't agree with.
Reading that felt like I.was right back on attwireless forum...whew! Yup, you are correct, no one can change your mind or make you feel any other.way but to take whatever att throw.your way.

If you feel like rolling over and letting att do what they want then have at it. TxGoat is right. There need to be enough customers speaking up and petitioning whats going on. The best thing could blhappen is att breaking up into entities...or they sell off the wireless facet like before , if they cant take facts.

One thingnl is for sure, what they currently are doing is not for the customer.

Come on back with that famous attsireless line "if you dont like it go elsewhere" comment...fact is. Some want to do something about it instead of always "running away"
AT&T IS ACTIVELY RESTRAINING CUSTOMERS for using the data that they paid for, but IS SHOWING NO RESTRAINT when it comes to compensating their CEO (or ANY top level management I'm sure).

"It seems you have a problem with someone that has it better than you" sounds immature, and presumptuous. If you believe that material wealth equals "having it better" then you're quite welcome to go down that road. I'm old enough and experienced enough to know that road is folly. I suspect the young, naive, and foolish actually believe that phrases like "money can't buy happiness" are just empty phrases. You're quite welcome to your opinion, but I'll tell you from experience, it's fool's gold.

If AT&T wants to continue to gouge its customers (and yes we've already established that it has EVERY RIGHT to do so) and insist its customers show restraint when using its network, but then turn around and show what appears to be a lack of restraint when compensating its CEO, that's perfectly fine. It's only a matter of time before enough consumers wake up and realize what AT&T is doing to them.
I just read the details about this, they cut his pay by 2 million, but he's still making 22 million

That $22 Million is predominantly held in stocks, which with most Executive contracts, he cannot sell until he leaves AT&T.
Stephenson’s total pay, including stock, was $22 million, a 19 percent decline from the $27.3 million he received in 2010.
My little annoyance with the article is that the journalist at Bloomberg should have referred to the $22 million as his total earnings or compensation and not pay. As an Accountant, this really annoys me as most people just read 'pay' as 'pay' and will jump to the wrong conclusion about how much earning someone makes from such a statement.

Break down of his 2010 Earnings/Compensation of $27.3 Million
Compensation for 2010
Salary $1,533,333.00
Bonus $0.00
Restricted stock awards $12,749,97.00
All other compensation $417,410.00
Option awards $494,731.00
Non-equity incentive plan compensation $5,050,000.00 (i.e. BONUS)
Change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings $7,096,177.00 This is his pension and gain on the stocks, which are both not liquid
Total Compensation $27,341,628.00
Randall L. Stephenson 2010 Compensation - Forbes My comment is in Red.
His actual PAY is only $1.5 million + Bonus. Non-equity incentive plan compensation (bonus) was $5 million in 2010. Bonuses are based on performance and it was cut by $2 million. So, that would mean he got a $3 million bonus for 2011.

In 2010, his total compensation is $27M but in $2011 it dropped to $22M. $2M loss is the bonus and $4M decrease due to something (most likely to do with stock)
As far as forums go about deleting posts that shows the forum in a bad light. Show me one forum that doesn't do that? Every forum does this in one way or the other. So its nothing new to see. I was on a dakota forum that if you talked bad about the site or the mods or web master. Your post was deleted and you was given a warning. If you did it more times you was banned.
Actually, AndroidForums pride itself in being fair. The only time a moderator delete a post is if it contains illegal content or if the post was attacking another member. AF has very little tolerance for any form of disrespect towards its members. AF promotes and maintain a family friendly atmosphere as some members on here are quite young. So harsh profanity and nudity will be censored . If you want to see any AF complaints, then go to the Suggestion Forums. None are deleted.

As a form of respect, if you have an issue with a moderator, message Phases about any issues you have. AF doesn't allow bad mouthing, attacking or insulting of members and moderators are simply members helping to maintain the site and make it a great place to hang out.
That $22 Million is predominantly held in stocks, which with most Executive contracts, he cannot sell until he leaves AT&T.

My little annoyance with the article is that the journalist at Bloomberg should have referred to the $22 million as his total earnings or compensation and not pay. As an Accountant, this really annoys me as most people just read 'pay' as 'pay' and will jump to the wrong conclusion about how much earning someone makes from such a statement.

Break down of his 2010 Earnings/Compensation of $27.3 Million

Randall L. Stephenson 2010 Compensation - Forbes My comment is in Red.
His actual PAY is only $1.5 million + Bonus. Non-equity incentive plan compensation (bonus) was $5 million in 2010. Bonuses are based on performance and it was cut by $2 million. So, that would mean he got a $3 million bonus for 2011.

In 2010, his total compensation is $27M but in $2011 it dropped to $22M. $2M loss is the bonus and $4M decrease due to something (most likely to do with stock)

That's still quite a large compensation for him, especially when you consider the $40 billion lost in the attempted T-mobile buyout. The data throttling just sounds like AT&T is trying to punish its consumers for lack of judgment on their part.
AT&T IS ACTIVELY RESTRAINING CUSTOMERS for using the data that they paid for, but IS SHOWING NO RESTRAINT when it comes to compensating their CEO (or ANY top level management I'm sure).

"It seems you have a problem with someone that has it better than you" sounds immature, and presumptuous. If you believe that material wealth equals "having it better" then you're quite welcome to go down that road. I'm old enough and experienced enough to know that road is folly. I suspect the young, naive, and foolish actually believe that phrases like "money can't buy happiness" are just empty phrases. You're quite welcome to your opinion, but I'll tell you from experience, it's fool's gold.

If AT&T wants to continue to gouge its customers (and yes we've already established that it has EVERY RIGHT to do so) and insist its customers show restraint when using its network, but then turn around and show what appears to be a lack of restraint when compensating its CEO, that's perfectly fine. It's only a matter of time before enough consumers wake up and realize what AT&T is doing to them.

Again show me where they actively restrain the use of data that their customers pay for? Does att turn off the data side on people who has unlimited data plans and refuse them access to it? Again read your contract and its there in black and white. Don't like a company who pays a CEO millions for work they do for the company? Leave the company and find another one that suits your needs,wants, and expectations.

You seem to forget you yes you have the right to choose . Just like anyone does.
That's still quite a large compensation for him, especially when you consider the $40 billion lost in the attempted T-mobile buyout. The data throttling just sounds like AT&T is trying to punish its consumers for lack of judgment on their part.
Wasn't the CEO fault of the buyout failing. I seem to remember the government having a problem with the buyout and why it failed. If it wasn't for the government stopping it. T-Mobile would be part of att.
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