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Debating getting the phone exchanged


Android Expert
Part of the lower casing appears to be bulging near a seam on the edge. I can live with it I think, as long as it doesn't get worse.

My concern with the exchange is that the one I have WORKS just fine, no random restarts, normally minimal lag though the touch keyboard seems a little sluggish at times even as I type this message.
It may be ok for now , but what about in a few weeks? It may get worse , Imagine You try to go for an exchange and the person says "sorry , This looks like accidental user damage so no Exchange". Then your stuck with a dodgy handset...... {Unless you may have Insurance or something}

I would personally exchange it as soon as possible :)
I agree... I use to have a LG chocolate... could barely even make calls! and now I got this baby and im on it 24/7... I would want it to last as long as possible before I had to get it repaired...

I would definately do it now too.
2 questions.

I'm still within 30 days, I should get a brand new device and not a refurbished one, right?

Also, I have it set to back up my settings, that means that once I log in to my account it will download my apps and settings, right?

Has had any issues with the new phones being handed out in these cases? I plan on asking to see the phone first to make sure the slider is tight.
2 questions.

I'm still within 30 days, I should get a brand new device and not a refurbished one, right?

Also, I have it set to back up my settings, that means that once I log in to my account it will download my apps and settings, right?

Has had any issues with the new phones being handed out in these cases? I plan on asking to see the phone first to make sure the slider is tight.
I would exchange it because after 30 days your screwed. Plus I haven't been seeing as much about random restarts anymore. If youre still within the 30days on 12/11 i would go then since they should update it there.
My 30 days is on 12/11. I'll bite the bullet tomorrow and get it done. The question remains, will I need to reinstall my apps and re-do my settings or will it download that stuff when I activate my account on the new phone?
Google: "Droid backup my settings", or search this forum for the same. If you get a new device, you'll be starting with a blank slate.
In case you're curious, here's the "problem area". The bulge is actually pretty stiff, I can't push it in at all.

Click the image to see full size.
In case you're curious, here's the "problem area". The bulge is actually pretty stiff, I can't push it in at all.

Click the image to see full size.

I had something like that on my Touch Pro2. It got worse as I used it more and that's when I returned it 50 days later for the Droid. I would return it and you should be able to get a new one as long as you did not do the rebate thing (cut the barcode from the box).
Did u read my last post? I took it in and they were able to re-seat the case. Other than the gap being slightly larger in that spot it looks fine.

Odd, the first question I was asked was if I use a clip-on case.
Did u read my last post? I took it in and they were able to re-seat the case. Other than the gap being slightly larger in that spot it looks fine.

Odd, the first question I was asked was if I use a clip-on case.

I would still replace it. A new device should not have this issue that can actually allow liquids to enter more easily. Plus theres no guarantee this wont get worse with time. If you wait you will end up with a refurbish device or return it for a new one now if your with in your 30 days. Well at the end is your decision.
Actually, isn't it ultimately up to Verizon who is acting on behalf of Motorola? The warranty DOES say "repair or replace", and they DID repair it.
Actually, isn't it ultimately up to Verizon who is acting on behalf of Motorola? The warranty DOES say "repair or replace", and they DID repair it.

At this point it seems you made up your mine. All poster have given their opinions to get it replace but you keep fighting it. Last time I check by your picture they did not fix 100 % thus still defective. Is up to you if you can live with it.
sho, the reason it looks like they didn't fix it 100% by the picture is because that's the BEFORE picture.

It's fixed 99% and I figure the 1% isn't worth arguing with Verizon about, especially if I'm happy with how the phone operates (it's a 39/9 phone BTW).

Here's the after, again, click for a bigger version...

Good to see you got it sorted
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