Ew.... it's thicker than my Hero... and it's.... blocky..... I'd rather have an iFail over that POS.
Also, the Droid has decent hardware, which makes it attractive to most people. It's not that it's the best phone out there, it's all to do with marketing. The Nexus One is by far, specifications wise, superior to the iPhone, but it has VERY limited marketing. There's no AD's, there's no real commercials for it, it's completely relying on being sold over the internet. Nobody can go in and TOUCH the phone and actually hold the physical embodiment that is the phone.
Marketing and representation are well over half the battle with selling these phones. You could have the next biggest thing and then throw it on the market, but if someone else comes along and copies your idea, but somehow makes it worse, then MARKETS it, they are going to have superior sales and representation over you, even though you have the original thing sitting in your hands.
Long story short: Just sales records don't show how good something is. It shows how well a company/business thrives and how big their fan/user base is. Marketing and hype lead to people wanting something as well; no hype, no wants.