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Desktop Manager...


Why did I not receive destop software for my droid? Blackberry allows it. My comuter sees my droid, charges my droid, but I cannot manage any files via my computer. Help help help!
The Motorola Droid does not have desktop software, you can access the contents of your SD Card (already in the Droid) by going to My Computer and opening your Droid there. It should be listed as a "device with removable storage".
Make sure you download the drivers for the phone in order for this to work.

im assuming the drivers for the phone will auto-install when the phone is connected (as most devices do now)? i think by just plugging in and accessing the mass store device is much simpler than playing with a desktop manager.
As you can tell, I am new here. I just assumed the Andriod platform would come with a Desktop Manager, similar to that in a Blackberry:

1. sync your contacts/calendar/notes/tasks,etc
2. back-up/restore your device
3. application loader
4. unload/load everything to a new device
5. manager photos/videoes/music, etc.

In the Android world do you need a separate 3rd party app for each of these basic tasks which comes standard with every blackberry?
As you can tell, I am new here. I just assumed the Andriod platform would come with a Desktop Manager, similar to that in a Blackberry:

1. sync your contacts/calendar/notes/tasks,etc
2. back-up/restore your device
3. application loader
4. unload/load everything to a new device
5. manager photos/videoes/music, etc.

In the Android world do you need a separate 3rd party app for each of these basic tasks which comes standard with every blackberry?

1. Done via Google.
2. You can back up your device to your SD card, and restore from there (using programs from the market). You can also back up the SD card to your Computer. (No special software required).
3. all application installs are done over your phone's data connection. You don't need a computer for that.
4. Move your SD Card to the new device.
5. Plug your phone in, and do so via "My Computer".

You don't need third party software, you don't need ANY software. A computer is not required for any of the things that you're after. In fact, I do all of the things you've mentioned, (Just added a contact to my gmail account a second ago), and I haven't hooked my phone to a computer since I first got it and loaded my music and pictures onto it.
There is a Motorola program that works with wifi to manage files to and from the Droid. It is windows compatible and as I use a 64bit Desktop I know it works on that as well as 32bit. It is Moto_Phone_Portal_029_WiFi_Only. (Actually, Personal Portal 029.APK)
I know this original post is almost two years old, but I too am an ex-Crackberry user and I do miss the ability to manipulate data on my cell phone using my laptop or desktop application. It's just so freaking much easier to do that using a mouse! Anybody that says otherwise isn't being honest with themselves.

1. Done via Google.
2. You can back up your device to your SD card, and restore from there (using programs from the market). You can also back up the SD card to your Computer. (No special software required).
3. all application installs are done over your phone's data connection. You don't need a computer for that.
4. Move your SD Card to the new device.
5. Plug your phone in, and do so via "My Computer".

You don't need third party software, you don't need ANY software. A computer is not required for any of the things that you're after. In fact, I do all of the things you've mentioned, (Just added a contact to my gmail account a second ago), and I haven't hooked my phone to a computer since I first got it and loaded my music and pictures onto it.
So how would I transfer calendar, memos, etc from BB 8330 Curve to the GS2? The BB does not have a sim card and my service has already been switched to the GS2.

I would really appreciate help on this.


1. Done via Google.
2. You can back up your device to your SD card, and restore from there (using programs from the market). You can also back up the SD card to your Computer. (No special software required).
3. all application installs are done over your phone's data connection. You don't need a computer for that.
4. Move your SD Card to the new device.
5. Plug your phone in, and do so via "My Computer".

You don't need third party software, you don't need ANY software. A computer is not required for any of the things that you're after. In fact, I do all of the things you've mentioned, (Just added a contact to my gmail account a second ago), and I haven't hooked my phone to a computer since I first got it and loaded my music and pictures onto it.

Having just got a Nexus 4 a few days ago, and having just begun to realize what Android users have gotten themselves into, I must comment.

Having come from good old Palm OS, and hearing virtually nothing about the built in, and, I must say, now SCREAMINGLY OBVIOUS privacy dangers inherent in using Android, I now realize why I've never heard anything about any desktop manager for Android.

1. Syncing your calendar, notes, etcetera via Google?! Ok, so let me get this straight. I just hand over every appointment, every personal note I make to myself, and every private task I set up to some server somewhere 'out there', is that right? Somewhere where anyone with either the brains or the access can look at whatever personal information I have on my device. Not to mention if something crashes that 'big server in the sky' then there go trillions of pieces of users' data with it. And this doesn't seem beyond stupid to anyone but me?

2. I just looked at the 'information' available to me from my device when I hooked it up to my desktop PC. Not only is there virtually nothing there, even from the programs it apparently randomly chooses to show me, but there's absolutely no way to work with or manipulate anything in any practical, efficient manner. I guess one could figure out how to manually do something with some of the information, but really, *this* spartan, bare bones "do it yourself" crap is what's available from a sophisticated handheld computer in 2013??

3. Yes, 99.999% of smartphone users will have a data plan, and with that they can download programs and applications directly onto their phones. For the other .001% of users who use a smartphone without a data plan, either because of geographic location or by choice, you're screwed.

4. So, moving the SD card to another device would transfer all your data, programs, etcetera? Everything? Every program, widget, memo, task, appointment....everything? Sorry, I'm not sophisticated enough with computers to know how this might work.

5. As for managing photos, music, etcetera, "...plug[ging] your phone in, and do[ing] so via 'My Computer'", well, that brings us back to that especially sore point I raised in #1--handing everything over to an outside entity unnecessarily. I tried to download a couple of pictures I had snapped, and it told me to sign in to Microsoft(!) Uh...I want to download MY pictures to MY computer. I don't want to, nor should anyone have to 'sign in' to anything. Obviously, it's another iteration of 'the Cloud' or whatever they/anyone wants to call it. Um, sorry. I want my pics on my computer---not your Cloud. See my previous reasons for explanation.

The carefree glee which jb59 apparently exhibits while he sends his private data into the great beyond, and how glibly he accepts this new version of Big Brother speaks volumes. How easily we can be convinced to trust outside sources with our personal information. It also shows how easily we are duped, despite almost daily reports of data mining, identity theft, etcetera, and despite constant warnings against allowing this to happen.

Really---think about it. Everyone operating with an Android device is willingly handing over tons of personal information to a multi-billion dollar company. And that company is charging you nothing for the privilege. Nothing seems even slightly fishy about this scenario? At the very least, they *will* data mine it---if not now, then after awhile when even more people have gotten used to the idea of not having possession of their personal information. After that, who knows? The very fact that it's out there means someone can do whatever they want with it if they can access it. And as I already stated, that someone can access it with enough effort is a given.

But now, what to do about a new phone? Since Palm is dead, and Windows Mobile isn
You don't need to sync contacts, calendars or anything else with Google if you don't want to. You can severe all contact with them, including for location services.

You don't even need to get your apps from them.

Only data, such as pictures and music are stored on your internal storage, often an sd card, but in the case of the Nexus 4 it's on a separate memory partition.

No connection to the outside world is needed to transfer any of that to your PC.

You were doing it wrong.

When you go to sell your Nexus, perform a factory data reset and erase the storage to make the phone as it was when you took it out of the box.

Enjoy your Blackberry, hopefully you'll have the chance to understand its operations and options far better than you have your Android.

You may discover that I've presented the truth, and in fact many use their Androids as I've described, and your absolutes are not correct, you'll be welcome here when you get the next one.

Take care! :)
Before beginning, I must correct myself. In my previous posting, I referred to 'jb59' when I meant, and should have referred to 'byteware'. It was he / she who exhibited the attitude toward personal privacy so glib that he didn

Did you go back to your BlackBerry as you said a year and a half ago or are you still using Android?

Are you asking how to do something? :confused:

Privacy on Android and Apple is very often a subject of the popular press.

Google tries to know everything about you - they're an advertising company and Android is part of the equation. Apple does the same thing. Everyone wants to sell us stuff.

Letting us know that you think that anyone who disagrees with you is a fool is certainly your opinion. :)

Sharing opinions is fine but opinions are not questions on how to do things. Part of your complaint seems to be that I didn't tell you how to do something or what I meant by something else.

Are you asking a question about how to do something or just complaining? I honestly can't tell.
In the process of editing and weeding out old bookmarks on my P.C., I came across a link to this forum and this particular topic I had commented to in 2013---a link which, in hindsight, I wish I had never saved in the first place.

At the time of my first writing, I was frustrated beyond measure, as well as being quite at a loss as to how to navigate the 'brave new world' of an Android device with, despite its incredibe sophistication, its obvious unwelcome intrusions into my privacy about which I had already heard.

But, once again, instead of just seeking out in-person information sources, I made the huge mistake of trusting the hoped for goodwill of a faceless, unaccountable online forum for help or insights. I thought (foolish me, this time) that by painstakingly composing and sharing my thoughts they would be met with thoughtful, measured, responses---like I get when speaking with people face to face. Heck, I actually hoped maybe I'd even get some helpful or enlightening insights.

Alas---putdowns, assumptions, expectations of knowledge I obviously didn't have, barely disguised fanboyism, and dismissal. Lucky me.

It's too bad I didn't learn my lesson. Apparently I still haven't, since when I discovered this old link today I clicked on it instead of just deleting it which would have saved me the irritation of resurrecting the bad feelings of this shite once more.
"Google tries to know everything about you - they're an advertising company and Android is part of the equation. Apple does the same thing. Everyone wants to sell us stuff. "

And apparently from your perspective that makes it all right. Uh huh.

"Letting us know that you think that anyone who disagrees with you is a fool is certainly your opinion"

Well, since for some reason my original response has been truncated / cut off, I have no idea if I used that word, or if you read between the lines. I hardly think disagreement with me is foolish of itself. But I heartily think anyone who glibly accepts complete invasions of privacy *and* looks down on those of us who don't is a fool---definitely. Only time will tell which one of us was right.

"Enjoy your Blackberry, hopefully you'll have the chance to understand its operations and options far better than you have your Android."

And just for the record, anyone who uses that kind of nasty, passive-aggressive put down shouldn't be throwing stones at anyone for venting their frustration about anything.
So, there we have it. Being only semi-techno-literate, I would now get to endure more disdain from your cold forum. But luckily, I can at least finally excuse myself from this particular 'discussion' and forum permanently and bid you goodbye.

Maybe I have finally learned my lesson.
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