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Root Dirty Unicorns, what Do I need to do to make it the most functional?

My install is as follows
Flash Rom/Gapps/Wimax log cleaner/AC!D Audio mods [2802 and 2805]
Boot and setup and enable aaengine
Reboot to recovery - Flash mms fix, Flash VVM fix
Boot, load VVM let it provision, reboot recovery and flash VVM fix again
Boot and profit.

I dont use GPS or Video Recording RARELY to EVER so I am not familiar with either of those fixes.
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My flash was similar, I have the MMS fix integrated into the rom so I just flashed DU 1.6.1/Gapps/Wimax log cleaner/Acid mod 2805/ClearAudio
Boot phone
Reboot into recovery
Flash VVM fix by go0madman
Reboot, seeing the provision successful message.
Reboot and flash VVM fix

I also integrated the Video Recording fix. Didn't do the GPS fix because i don't think it needs fixing on Dirty Unicorns. Never seen anyone posted about a GPS problem on the thread.
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Hows the ClearAudio work for you? I havent even been able to REALLY test ac!d yet

It works nice. With acid mod I can notice the louder crispier sound. Not as good as xLoud on sense roms but it's an improvement over the stock and DSPmanager. I know in the OP it says to flash 2802 then 2805 then do the terminal emulator aaengine.

I've done that before and never really noticed anything different than just flashing the 2805 alone.
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