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Help Disable configuration shortcuts in Task bar?

Are you talking about the area shown in red in the photo?

I don't think so. The only thing you can really do is re-order which icons are shown under Settings>My device>Display>Notification panel.


  • Screenshot_2013-05-30-20-42-36 (Medium) (Small).png
    Screenshot_2013-05-30-20-42-36 (Medium) (Small).png
    23 KB · Views: 59
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Yeah, that's the area. Sigh, it would be nice if we could turn it off or make it smaller. This is my first Samsung phone, has it been like this in previous Samsung Android phones?

It has been like this for a few iterations of Samsung smartphones and everyone else hAS ALWAYS WANTED IT as it makes your life so much easier.
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I'd like to make them smaller as well in addition to just the regular notification bar icons (battery, GPS, alarm clock etc.). They are huge compared to my old Galaxy Nexus! Much less fits up there resulting in the whole notification bar area being cluttered and ugly compared to the Gnex. Verizon doesn't help the situation with the darn persistent wifi ongoing activity.

Would rooting (not roming) allow us to customize the icons and the general notification bar area? I would consider rooting just for that reason alone.
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Yea there is no way to change this, it has been a big part of Samsung phones ever since the galaxy s, and they have never had a way to change it. And to be honest this is the first time I have ever heard of a request to do this. And also after running several ROMs, none have had this option either, so it will be a hard request to find. This is an feature everyone I have ever talked to really liked, and one of several reasons I stayed with the s4 over the HTC One
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