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Help Display draining battery


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2010
Sorry if this has been posted already . My display regularly accounts for most of my battery drain in the 80-90 percentage. But my phone is timed out. Does anyone know how to fix that or account for it. Have had the phone over a year now and all of the sudden it is draining horrifically fast. Also was wondering if anyone is using Emerald Envy rom as I have heard it is great for battery life.
The display being a high % of battery use is a good thing, no? That means there is little drain when the phone is idle due to background apps and that the radio isn't working too hard to get a signal.

Try this. Charge your phone completely. Then after you disconnect the charger, let the phone sit unused for about 6 hours (best to this when you're sleeping). The check your battery use first before doing anything else with your phone.
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