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Display won't turn on


Android Enthusiast
I had some rain droplets get into my phone which got it wet on the inside of course.. I did the whole rice thing, took it apart, bathed the motherboard in isopropyl alcohol.. basically for about three weeks I let it dry and cleaned it..

Last night I put it back together, connected to power, and let it sit. Turn it on this morning, it gives the vibe, system boots up, makes the proper sounds, responds to touch (I feel the haptic feedback when unlocking the phone).. BUT.. the screen doesn't turn on at all. I did some testing like trying to enter the wrong unlock code and cerberus did take and email a photo to me, so it seems like everything else works. Connecting it to the PC shows all my files as it should.

Question: could the battery be damaged so that it does not have the power to turn on the display but can turn on the rest of the phone's functions? Or did I somehow screw up the display connector? Does anyone know the inner workings of the phone that can help? Are there any diagnostic tools I can run having the phone connected to my PC that would show me if there's something not connected or fried?

Oh, also, if I restart the phone by holding the power button, the LED blinks red a few times.
Sounds to me like you need to check the display connector. If that looks fine, then it sounds like you may need a new display, unfortunately. Since everything else is working fine, I don't think the battery is the issue.

If you search the forum, I seem to remember a previous discussions about displaysthat had a link to more information .. 'course that may have been for a different phone.
Ok sounds good.. I just wasn't sure because I don't know how the internals work exactly.. I'm going to take apart and clean the connector again
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