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Hello. I'm dissatisfied either with Android or the Moto Z2 phone, I'm not sure which. I've had Android phones pretty much ever since Android began, but never have I had a phone that behaves like my current phone. I hate the phone so much I'm getting rid of it, but that leaves me to wonder is it the phone or is it Android. Do I cross over to the other side and get an iPhone, or go back to Samsung?

This Moto Z2 pops up applications I have on the phone at random times. I could be watching a Xfinity TV app and out of the blue, my GHIN app will pop up. At times, the app that ties to my car hijacks the phone. Sometime I can't even get into the phone. I use my thumb print to gain access and sometimes it won't recognize my thumb. You would think it would pop up the password screen but it doesn't. It will do nothing.

Are these symptoms of Android, or are these symptoms of the Moto Z2. I think I would prefer to stay with an Android phone, but I've very close to going to iPhone.

I would welcome others comments.
Yeah it could be just your phone or it's brand maker. Never had a Motorola phone. I've had great experiences with both Samsung and HTC. My note 8 has been running great especially since it got updated to pie.

I'm sorry you are having such a bad time with your Motorola. Hopefully your next phone will be better.
It's certainly not a problem with Android and I don't think it's the phone either. I would blame it on the apps.

@MoodyBlues Has a Moto Z2 Force and her experience with it has been good.
Hi there, @Greg1958! As GT said, I have--and love--a Moto Z² Force. I've actually owned nothing but Motorola smartphones, and have consistently been happy with them--else I wouldn't keep buying them, you know? :)

I've NEVER seen anything like what you're describing. Never.

I am not familiar with the apps you mentioned, but I don't think that matters, because I'm willing to bet that some...THING...has invaded your phone. Most likely, based on what we see for all devices, it's a rogue app. Oh, you may have installed it and everything, but it has naughty code in it that makes it do disruptive, unwanted things. :o

I agree with @Dannydet: make sure you have good backups, and then factory reset your phone.

From that point, selectively and slowly start installing apps. One. At. A. Time.

Use the phone for awhile after installing each app to see if the problem returns. Then, if it does, you'll know which app caused it. At that point, make sure you leave negative feedback on its Play store page. And uninstall it, of course.

I can't stress strongly enough how different my experience with this phone is from yours. I hope you'll give it a fair chance to shine--like mine does. :D

PS Your username freaked me out: my late brother, Greg, was born in 1958.
I have used the Moto Z2 Force since the day it was released. I have never encountered your reported problems.

The first thing to do is try running in Safe Mode disabling all apps that you added without uninstalling them. If the problems stop (I'm betting that they will) they are caused by an app that you added. Figure out which one(s) and remove them.

… Thom
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