I hope you are right. That new phone you describe is exactly what I am waiting for. Except I do like keyboards. Anyway I hope to wait until next year. I love the Eris but screen small, no keyboard. Love the feel of it in hand.I personally could not wait any longer.. I was on a Samsung Blackjack still that was 4 years old. That being said, when I get a new phone in 2 years.. they will have even faster and more efficient devices.
There will always be something faster next year. What it comes down to is how long do you want to wait to play with the beautiful android platform?
Love Droids screen, hate keyboard. Think it is "ugly" boxy brick. So to get what I really want I would have to wait for an update for Eris I want google navigation. So I suppose if I can wait for the updates, I can wait for this New fantastic phone. I hope this is all not some kind of hoax. Also it would have to come out on Verizon and not others.