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Do You Still Love Your S3?


Oct 4, 2010
Hi guys,

I see a lot of people on here complaining about their Galaxy S3. For me I'd easily say it's the best device I've had, and believe that iphone has nothing on it. And I'm an android man all the way. I just love how customizable they are, you have to jail break iPhone to get it to do what android does from the start, and even then it's nowhere near good.

Ofcourse no device is 100percent perfect, but is improving over time.

Surely there's more of you that think they're awesome?

Cheers guys
firstly, you have to understand that this is a help forum. People come here to post their problems so other people can help solve their problem.

secondly, yes, I'm sure lots of us still love our SGS3.

I understand what forum this is about. Thankyou. Just wanted to remind s3 owners that we still have one of the best devices on the market, and to not be disheartened by minor bugs that can be rectified.
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How can you not love this? Overnight battery discharge!:D
This is the 2100mah battery that came with the GS3.

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Some don't think so.
From the Jellybean like and dislikes section..

I think Jellybean greatly improved battery life from ICS at the OS level. I saw hugely improved battery life in my Gnex with JB update. Easily more than 50% better. I never saw this kind of battery life enhancement with any OS update before.

But the problem is it brought host of new services apps like Google Now and Current that can add extra battery drain through location services and frequent syncs. I think those complaining battery life on JB are the ones just refusing to turn off any location settings in google now, map even when not using it.
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For me I'd easily say it's the best device I've had, and believe that iphone has nothing on it.

Although I agree with most of your points, I can't agree that the iPhone has "nothing on it". I mean, they achieve the same things from a hardware perspective. iPhone scores higher, considerably higher, on benchmark tests. Does it really matter?

If you're comparing the S3 to the iPhone, compare the physical handset, not the OS. The OS is not "the S3", that's Google's territory. If Samsung made an OS, rest-assured it would be an absolute shambles.

I really like my S3, but I don't see it as any better or worse than the iPhone 5 - simply an alternative which happens to run an OS with more customisation options. That's either a blessing or a curse depending on your "techie" abilities!

Perhaps that's just my opinion? I try not to be biased towards or against Apple or any other reputable company. You can see from my signature, though, that I was/am a sucker for Apple simplicity. I still moved to an S3 after 4 years of iPhones though - so I'm no "fanboy".
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The OS is not "the S3", that's Google's territory. If Samsung made an OS, rest-assured it would be an absolute shambles.

Maybe you'd be surprised how much of the android OS on the S3 Samsung is actually responsible for. The software differences between the Galaxy Nexus and the Galaxy S3 are huge. To say the OS is not the S3 is inaccurate. Its as much the OS and kernel as it is hardware that makes the S3 great
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Although I agree with most of your points, I can't agree that the iPhone has "nothing on it".

I really like my S3, but I don't see it as any better or worse than the iPhone 5 - simply an alternative which happens to run an OS with more customisation options. That's either a blessing or a curse depending on your "techie" abilities!

This. Truth. The iPhone has plenty on the S3. But for me, the S3 has a lot *more* on the iPhone than the iPhone has on the S3. :D
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