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Do You Still Love Your S3?

I have had my S3 for just over a month now and I absolutely adore it. I was a bona fide Apple geek before owning it and had a few iPhone handsets and I can say with quite some confidence the S3 is the best mobile device I've ever owned...I wouldn't even consider getting another apple device now.

I just love the freedom this handset gives me and the screen is a thing of beauty.
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Moved from HTC EVO to my GS3 60 days ago and love it! Miss the HTC keyboard so I'll probably get 3rd party like Smart Key. Otherwise, everything is better on the GS3. Suggesting to my wife, though, that she get the iPhone4 as her starter smartphone so she'll be like her girl friends. :D

If it helps, the HTC keyboard is the only one I like. I tried all the third party ones and the only one with the same feel for me is smart keyboard pro. It does a free trial so I recommend you try it.

I've tried:
Perfect keyboard
Hackers keyboard

But none of them were as good as smart. I REALLY wanted to like hackers keyboard as it had loads on it. I just wasn't accurate enough of a typer to use it.
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Moved from HTC EVO to my GS3 60 days ago and love it! Miss the HTC keyboard so I'll probably get 3rd party like Smart Key. Otherwise, everything is better on the GS3. Suggesting to my wife, though, that she get the iPhone4 as her starter smartphone so she'll be like her girl friends. :D

Allow me to recommend Thumb Keyboard. That is the one I use. Best feature is the multiple keyboard layouts you can choose from.
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I've only had it 2 days. So far it is interesting, I like it, but the battery life leaves a lot to be desired. Had it out yesterday while I was shooting, used my eye-fi card to transfer pics from my DSLR, and a little light IMing. 2 hours later, under 50% battery life from full. Much less than I would have had on my iphone 4. Sure, I can change the battery, but that's not as big of a sell when it only lasts like 1/2 as long. I would have expected around 65-75% left on my iPhone after that amount of time (which I've done several times so have a good idea)
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I've only had it 2 days. So far it is interesting, I like it, but the battery life leaves a lot to be desired. Had it out yesterday while I was shooting, used my eye-fi card to transfer pics from my DSLR, and a little light IMing. 2 hours later, under 50% battery life from full. Much less than I would have had on my iphone 4. Sure, I can change the battery, but that's not as big of a sell when it only lasts like 1/2 as long. I would have expected around 65-75% left on my iPhone after that amount of time (which I've done several times so have a good idea)

With the screen size being that much larger it will most certainly use more battery. I have a question about using the eyefi, did you use the data on your s3?
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How can you not love this? Overnight battery discharge!:D
This is the 2100mah battery that came with the GS3.


Damn... wish my stock battery worked that good... :? Screen at 25% and WIFI turned off and yet it's still drawing resources.
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With the screen size being that much larger it will most certainly use more battery. I have a question about using the eyefi, did you use the data on your s3?
no, why would you? it's an adhoc connection.
Never goes through the carrier. Problem is on the android the eye-fi takes over your connectivity. On the iphone your phone can still use 3G (or 4G) to contact the internet to share a picture send a message/etc on the android i'm locked out of all until the eye-fi is done, because the message apps won't fail over and use the 4G.
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no, why would you? it's an adhoc connection.
Never goes through the carrier. Problem is on the android the eye-fi takes over your connectivity. On the iphone your phone can still use 3G (or 4G) to contact the internet to share a picture send a message/etc on the android i'm locked out of all until the eye-fi is done, because the message apps won't fail over and use the 4G.
Wasn't sure how they worked. So i can use it with my note 10.1? Thank you btw i had been wondering
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Ah, you know it's like having kids. You always complain about them but it doesn't stop you from loving them. I have some minor issues with my S3 but I still love it and wouldn't trade it for anything although like some others, I was eyeing up that Note II. We'll see about that. I usually get some of the best phones out there but I must admit this is the first time that I have noticed a lot of the "younger" generation following me to the Galaxy S line although they usally go with one of the first two given budget constraints. Nice to see someone other than Apple being "cool". ;)
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The one big near deal-breaker for me is the lack of a physical keyboard. If my carrier (Bell) comes out with that landscape keyboard slider version of the SGS3, I may make the switch. For practically everything else, I love it.

Getting harder and harder to find a phone with a keyboard unless it's a feature phone. Other than Blackberrys, I'd be hard pressed to name one :thinking:
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On my first day the bezel cracked, and I couldn't get it replaced under warranty. And to pay is almost as much as buy new phone, as the bezel is glued to the screen.

I love the functionality, speed and things I can do with Tasker and NFC. But I deeply despise Samsung's shitty customer care.
I don't love Samsung, I love Android, and S3 happen to be the best Android phone out there. Along with Note 2 and Nexus S, that is...
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Getting harder and harder to find a phone with a keyboard unless it's a feature phone. Other than Blackberrys, I'd be hard pressed to name one :thinking:

The Galaxy S Relay is the only one that I know of. It is availble on T-Mobile in the US. I had an HTC Desire Z before. Since that one, the only ones that I know of available in Canada through a carrier is the Sony Xperia Pro and the Motorola XT860 (Driod 3) and those came out in 2011. So far, no landscape keyboard sliders up here in Canada for 2012.

I have been considering just going down to the states to get it of T-Mobile and unlock it. So far, I am really impressed with my S3 so much that doing so is more trouble than it is worth.

HTC had already announced earlier this year that they are not spending much resources on keyboard phones. I was disappointed as I was hoping for something like a One Z with a keyboard slider. Next year, RIM is coming out with a portrait keyboard slider. Perhaps if that becomes popular, it would make Android manufacturers consider making a landscape keyboard slider.
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