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Help Do you use a case?


Dec 14, 2009
I'm wondering if you use, or see the need, for a protective case for your Eris. I have a fairly nice case that does add a little security and girth, but it certainly takes away from the sleek form of the phone.

Plus, I don't think these will scratch like the iPhone / iPod touch. The body on these scratch very easily.

Just wondering if anyone has wear issues, etc. The texture seems similar to friends VW interiors of the early 2000s which eventually peeled and became a real mess.

Anyway, appreciate any thoughts.
I got a gadget guard full body and screen protector (its like a clear screen protector that covers almost the whole phone) off of ebay for $14 with a car charger. It was a little tricky to put on, but it works great so far. Adds almost no weight/size and the touch screen is still about 98% as responsive. I have never used a case for a phone, but I figure that when this thing gets funky in 6 months to a year, I can peel it off and it will be like having a new eris.
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